What is a “Zombie Storm” and what does it have to do with John? – The Orb

On the morning of this September 28, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported the death of eight people in Guerrero, due to landslides caused by the rains generated by Hurricane “John.”
Through platform
«This first stage allowed us to save lives and we only regret the loss of eight people due to landslides due to the intense rains […] Fortunately, the water is now receding and aid to the victims will continue. The same in the Costa Chica, the Montaña and the Costa Grande. We never leave those who need us alone,” he said.
It is worth mentioning that the hurricane had a peculiar evolution, due to the behavior it sustained during the last hours, but why? Here we tell you.
What is a “zombie storm”?
According to NationalGeographic, the weather phenomenon became what experts call a “zombie storm,” that is, a system that dissipates before strengthening again.
The above, after impacting the territory of Mexico, causing floods, river flooding, landslides and more, all this between Monday and Tuesday, “John” followed a path that took him into land, where he gradually weakened. tropical storm.
Later, the storm’s remnants changed course, heading back toward the Pacific Ocean. There, the phenomenon strengthened again in a region that meteorologists call the “warm pool of the Pacific”, a place famous for favoring the formation of cyclones.
Thanks to having reached that point, the hurricane “resurrected”, although already demoted to category 1.Sun



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