Cubans will not be able to opt for the 2026 Visa Bombo or Lottery

The date to register for the visa lottery to the United States 2026, or the “bombo”, as Cubans call it, is approaching. A unique possibility, if luck is with you, to go live in the northern country with all the guarantees. There are countries that are not eligible for the visa lottery this year and this includes Cuba.

Every year, thousands of people try to obtain a visa through the Visa Lottery to enter the United States.

However, the Diversity Immigrant Visa program is not available to all nationalities. Therefore, it is essential to review the list of eligible countries that the State Department publishes annually.

This program was established in 1990 to grant visas to citizens of nations with low rates of migration to the United States, thus seeking to promote ethnic diversity through immigration from countries with minorities.

The US government offers a total of 55,000 visas, restricting eligibility to those countries that have had fewer than 50,000 migrants in the last five years.

Eligible and ineligible countries for the 2026 visa lottery

The Visa Lottery allows winners to obtain permanent residency in the United States, which subsequently gives them the opportunity to apply for U.S. citizenship shortly thereafter. Every year thousands of Cubans benefit from this system.

Visas are distributed across six geographic regions, primarily assigned to those with the lowest immigration rates to the United States. Countries that can participate include these Latin American nations:

– Argentina
– Bolivia
– Chile
– Costa Rica
– Ecuador
– Guatemala
– Nicaragua
– Panama
– Paraguay
– Peru
– Uruguay

On the other hand, there are countries that cannot participate in the Visa Lottery 2026, according to newly published instructions, including:

• Dominican
• El Salvador
• Haiti
• Honduras
• India
• Jamaica
• Mexico
• Nigeria
• Pakistan
• Filipinas
• South Korea
• Venezuela
• Vietnam
• China, Bangladesh
• Brazil
• Canada
• Colombia

hype 2026 cuba no

#Cubans #opt #Visa #Bombo #Lottery



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