“Italy split in two”. What happens at the weekend –

In these hours our Peninsula is experiencing a real split. On the one hand rain and instability, on the other heat and sun. The site describes this situation meteogiuliacci.it which anticipates the forecast for next weekend, until Sunday 29 September. On Thursday the trends already underway will accentuate, with Liguria, the Alps and the Pre-Alps affected by a strong disturbance descending from France. In the north, temperatures will drop while they will rise considerably in the central south.

Train of disturbances: there is no escape, which regions will be targeted

Similar speech also on Friday and Saturday, when we will have variability in the north and temperatures still rising in the south. In Sicily, peaks of 35° will even be reached, 33° in Puglia, 32° in Calabria and Basilicata. Until Sunday, when the central-south will also return to average.

#Italy #split #weekend #Tempo
2024-09-29 14:18:08



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