Finally the extension that all of Italy has been waiting for: it will be better than the Citizenship Income | Safe money

The extension has arrived and Italians are rejoicing as it was the news they had been waiting for for a long time. For many it is even better than Citizenship Income, let’s try to understand what we are talking about.

It has never been easy for anyone to get ahead in life, obviously those who have a important surname they have no idea about the everyday problems that “mere mortals” face, but for the majority of the population these problems are real.

Many hide behind social media and get lost in following people whose only concern is choosing which atelier to prefer to buy the dress for the evening party. Instead, we should focus on current life and above all on your ownwhich isn’t always as bad as they want us to believe, even if we can’t get on a yacht for summer holidays.

For this reason, there is good news for many of you, in that that has arrived extension that many were waiting for. Considered by many to be better than Citizenship Income, we’ll reveal what we’re talking about.

The various aids and bonuses

Regardless of everything, government, preferred political faction, region of residence, the weakest groups have always had some economic aid to move forward, maybe not many, maybe not always the same, but something has always been there. To give you an example, those who meet the requirements can request the inclusion allowance, the purchasing card and multiple discounts, by presenting theISEE updated.

Even young people who want to study can request aid based on their income, ranging from an honor loan to a scholarship and so on. The important thing is to stay informed about new aid and changes, as happened for example with Citizenship Income.

Mortgage for under 36s (Source: Freepik) –

Concessionary mortgage until the end of the year

The news that many were waiting for has finally arrived, regarding the aid discussion we were having previously. For all young people under 36 who want to buy a house, know that until the end of the year, you can request the mortgage for purchase or renovation of first homereceiving the state guarantee. There are essentially only two requirements to request it.

The first, age. Know that if, for example, you request the mortgage in November and you have your birthday in December then unfortunately you will be rejected, but if you turn 36 in January 2025, then you can sign up immediately. The second requirement is that of the ISEEwhich must not exceed 40,000 euros. So if you are looking for a house, this is the right time, as we don’t know what will happen next year.

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