Are more and more Europeans getting up early?

Are more and more Europeans getting up early?

In most European countries, people are eating out earlier than before the pandemic, according to a new study from Mastercard.

The most significant shifts were seen in Austria (18 minutes earlier), Portugal (16 minutes) and Ireland (15 minutes). On average, Europeans eat ten minutes earlier than before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Several studies have shown that eating dinner earlier improves digestion, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves blood sugar levels.

Previous studies on eating habits following the COVID-19 campaign have already shown that people across Europe are actually changing their eating habits and are focusing more on meal planning and conscious shopping. In addition, more and more people prefer to enjoy “real food” with their families instead of settling for ready-made food.

Average payment time for a dinner in 16 European countries – Mastercard Economics Institute

Natalia Lechmanova, chief European economist at the Mastercard Economics Institute, explained this trend in an interview with Euronews. “One reason is that we work more flexibly, so we have more control over our schedules and can decide when we go out to eat,” she said. “The second reason is that consumers are becoming more health conscious. They are placing more importance on sleep, going to bed earlier and sleeping longer.”

However, the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just changed meal times. The study’s results also show that consumers have recently become more inclined to shop for groceries on quieter days such as Monday and Tuesday. Before the pandemic, many people visited supermarkets on weekends.


“We are observing clear shifts in shopping behavior,” says Lechmanova. “Our data shows that this early bird behavior is not just a trend, but that people’s priorities around time and experiences are fundamentally changing,” she added.

However, the study cannot be used to determine whether more Europeans have actually become early risers or are simply taking life more relaxed.



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