Tourism as a vector of economic development in Ogooué Maritime –

On September 27, stakeholders in the tourism sector in the Ogooué Maritime province celebrated World Tourism Day in a local hotel. The theme chosen during the 44e edition was “tourism and peace”. A day which aims to promote the national tourist, natural and cultural potential in order to promote the national economy.

“It is to underline the vital contribution between nations and cultures that this activity generates. This sector is a real engine of development, an impetus in the national economy but also in the preservation and promotion of the natural cultural heritage of our dear country”indicated Nancy Bounanga Bouami, sub-prefect of the Mpaga district.

The celebration of this day aims to highlight the exceptional capacity of the sector, which is an engine of economic development in order to offer opportunities outside of large cities.

“Tourism constitutes a lever in the promotion of peace”, declared Estelle Régina Adanhodou, Provincial Director of Tourism and Crafts of Ogooué-Maritime

This year’s theme also highlights the important role of the country’s preservation in tourism, preserving and promoting cultural and natural heritage at the national level. Tourism, it should be noted, is an important source of employment due to its labor-intensive nature, and a significant multiplier on employment in related sectors. If the tourism sector stimulates growth, it also improves the quality of life of populations and promotes environmental protection, promotes the diversity of cultural heritage and strengthens peace.

“Tourism is not just about discovering new horizons. It is an invaluable asset that helps strengthen tolerance, by weaving bridges that connect and maintain enriching human experiences. It supports cultural diversity, transcends differences by encouraging exchanges”explains Estelle Régina Adanhodou.

While the sector has made its recovery and enjoys unprecedented recognition both in political circles and among the population, Gabon has every interest in arguing that it has an opportunity to seize by rethinking his way of approaching tourism. The aim is to bring to the forefront its tourism potential, its biodiversity, its culture by bringing together all the stakeholders from public authorities and businesses to local authorities, around a shared vision in favor of a tourism sector more sustainable, more inclusive and more resilient.

For Estelle Régina Adanhodou, “an operation to identify tourism potential is thus carried out across the entire national territory. It allows us to highlight the tourist assets that our beautiful country abounds with. It highlights the wonders of the fauna, flora, artisanal know-how and cultural traditions of Gabon.”

Now is the time for new and innovative solutions, beyond traditional investments that underpin and promote economic growth and productivity.

Jean-Jacques Rovaria Djodji

2024-09-28 10:43:09
#Tourism #vector #economic #development #Ogooué #Maritime



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