Tech: Eyes wide open: the Leica-optical Xiaomi 14T Pro has arrived, which also comes with a TV – test

Tech: Eyes wide open: the Leica-optical Xiaomi 14T Pro has arrived, which also comes with a TV – test |

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September 2024. 26. 15:30 September 2024. 26. 16:02 Tech

The latest mid-range smartphone from the Chinese manufacturer comes with an improved Leica camera, a powerful processor, super-fast charging, but without a charger at the basic price. We tested how the Xiaomi 14T Pro performs in practice.

In recent times, we have gotten used to the fact that Xiaomi always holds two major smartphone unveilings per year. The absolute top-of-the-range novelties of the Chinese manufacturer are usually presented at the end of winter, this year specifically the Xiaomi 14 listed among the top compact mobile phones, and the large Xiaomi 14 Ultra with a camera sharpened.

The other important period is the beginning of autumn, because this is when, usually at the end of September, the company’s models, who play football in a lower league, but are still very promising, arrive.

It is no different in 2024 either: of the recently unveiled Xiaomi 14T and 14T Pro, we took the latter, with more serious knowledge, for questioning.

The Xiaomi 14T Pro is available in grey, black and blue

Ferenc László

Fine tuning

The Xiaomi 13T Pro and the brand new Xiaomi 14T Pro, which came out a year ago, are upper-mid-range phones with a very similar feel, but mostly only fine-tuning was done in terms of design.

Such a careful modification is, for example, that the frame of the device is emphatically flatter on the sides, which is still completely bare on the left side, and on the right side, in addition to the usual pair of volume buttons, we can notice an on/off button with a knurled surface. It’s a small thing, but due to the rough surface, we know exactly where our finger is going even with our eyes closed.

Less sensitive to dirt

Ferenc László

Thanks to the infrared port on the top edge, the 14T Pro can also function as a normal remote control. The stereo speakers sound great, the fingerprint sensor is hidden in the lower part of the display, and it is also suitable for heart rate measurement.

IP68 complete water and dust resistance was a big novelty in the life of the series last year, this feature is still a given, and in addition, due to the use of a new type of aluminum alloy, the resistance of the phone has more than doubled.

The weight increased by a few grams to 209 grams, but thanks to the thinner bezels, the phone itself became somewhat smaller, while the display remained the same size.

Thin cups, large display

Ferenc László


The brightness of the screen, which is significantly larger than the 6.36-inch display in the Xiaomi 14 and slightly smaller than the 6.73-inch panel in the 14 Ultra, was increased from 2600 to 4000 nits. We were not able to verify this with an instrument, but it is a fact that the image of the 14T Pro can be clearly seen even in bright sunlight.

Compared to the 120 Hz update of the Xiaomi 14 sibling with a 3000 nits display, the 14T Pro AMOLED panel is capable of up to 144 Hz, of course we need to find a game that supports this. As before, Dolby Vision and HDR10 support are provided, and the new AI HDR optimization improves the image quality of videos a little further.

8.39 mm thickness

Ferenc László

The normal Xiaomi 14s, positioned higher, are still unbeatable in terms of resolution, their pixel density of 505-522 ppi cannot be surpassed by the 14T Pro, but the 460 ppi it presents cannot be complained about either.

The resolution of the small pinhole camera integrated in the upper-middle part of the display has increased from 20 to 32 megapixels, but we would have been more pleased with the arrival of autofocus – in this regard, the manufacturer is still seriously behind.

It is positive that the brightness has increased from f/2.2 to f/2, and that not only Full HD, but even 4K videos can be recorded with the selfie camera, although the speed is only 30 fps instead of 60.

The Leica Summilux system is on sale

Ferenc László

Leica lenses

While the predecessor only had two large front lenses on the back, the newcomer now has four large “reszos” on the back. However, this is a solid little scam, because all that happened was that the ultrawide camera, which had been hidden until now, and the LED auxiliary light each received a prominent circular rim.

The most important change regarding the main camera with optical image stabilization is that the brightness of the lens has increased from f/1.9 to f/1.6, which is a serious weapon when taking photos in poor lighting conditions.

The 50 megapixel resolution has not changed, but instead of the Sony, an OmniVision chip with a larger dynamic range has been put on board, which may be familiar from the Xiaomi 14, and which produces above average production under all conditions.

Well hit camera UI

Ferenc László

By default, 12.5 megapixel photos with 4-in-1 pixel binning are taken, but if there is enough sunlight, it is worth trying the 50 megapixel native mode, which is faster than before due to the more serious hardware, and which can be used for the zoom camera in addition to the main camera.

The 12-megapixel wide-angle module remains the same, so unfortunately it still does not have autofocus. Autofocus yes, but there is no OIS in the new telephoto camera, which still has a resolution of 50 megapixels, but instead of 2x, it is now capable of 2.6x optical magnification, albeit with reduced brightness from f/1.9 to f/2.

The 14T Pro also excels in portrait photography, and its 8K video recording speed has increased from 24 to 30 fps. Only the main camera can still work in 8K, for the other units we have to make do with 4K at 30-60 fps.

0.6× wide angle

Ferenc László

1× main camera

Ferenc László

2× sensor zoom

Ferenc László

2.6× optical zoom

Ferenc László

5× hibrid zoom

Ferenc László

10x digital zoom

Ferenc László

30x digital zoom

Ferenc László

Strong iron

HyperOS 1.0 pulled over the Android 14 operating system is not as versatile and less customizable as Samsung’s One UI 6.1.1, but its transparency and speed are more than okay.

Xiaomi promises many artificial intelligence functions, such as a circle search function and an AI interpreter, note-taker and voice recorder, however, at the time of writing, these features are not yet available on the test device that arrived to us before the official presentation.

The manufacturer promises four new major versions of the operating system and 5 years of security updates to users, who can use 100 GB of Google One cloud storage for 6 months and also receive a 3-month YouTube Premium subscription.

MediaTek’s flagship chipset, Dimensity 9300+, which debuted in May this year, dictates a great pace under all conditions. We did not encounter any crashes or slowdowns, and the processor, which is significantly faster than its predecessor, performs excellently in test programs, approximately at the level of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3.

There is no MicroSD expansion option, in any case, the 1 TB of storage and 12 GB of RAM of the test phone we received seems to be a fairly durable configuration.

The protrusion of the camera set is significant

Ferenc László

5G, Wi-Fi 7 and Bluetooth 5.4 may already be familiar from last year, as well as 120 W hypercharging, which enables a full charge in up to 20 minutes.

For the first time in the history of the T series, the battery, designed for 1,600 cycles and providing an operating time of about 1-1.5 days, can be charged wirelessly, moreover, quite quickly: a complete procedure takes 45 minutes with a 50 W charger.

It’s sad that, unlike previous traditions, the 120 W charging head worth about HUF 15,000 is no longer in the box, so we have to make do with a USB-A/C cable and a whole lot of high-quality silicones. The good news is that the device can take 100W from any suitable standard PD charger.

The user interface can be recognized and used quickly

Ferenc László

Conclusion, prices

It feels good that Xiaomi invested its parents in the development of the 14T Pro, which is prettier, better, faster than its predecessor, and offers services in the upper segment of the middle category that were only available in the high-end sector not so long ago.

The display is beautiful and very bright, the processor is lightning fast, the memory configuration is timeless, the cameras have been improved, and wireless charging is finally worth our money. It’s a shame that the charging head is no longer included in the basic price, and it would have been appropriate to equip the wide-angle module and the selfie camera with autofocus, and we wouldn’t have objected to the OIS of the zoom camera either.

Three cameras and an LED light

Ferenc László

The official starting price of the 12/512 GB Xiaomi 14T Pro in Hungary is HUF 330,000. Those who are concerned about this can choose the Xiaomi 14T, which offers a cheaper little brother of similar size for 240,000 forints with 12/256 GB of memory, a weaker processor, a camera with more modest capabilities, and a battery that is slower and can only be charged by wire.

An unusual interesting fact is that during the introductory period between September 26 and October 6, a 43-inch 4K QLED Xiaomi smart TV is included with the 14T Pro, and those who buy the 14T will receive a 32-inch Xiaomi smart TV at the sellers participating in the promotion.

As a reminder, at this time last year, the 12/512 GB Xiaomi 13T Pro opened at HUF 340,000, which included an electric scooter as a gift, and the Xiaomi 13T debuted at HUF 240,000. These two devices are currently priced at HUF 220,000 and HUF 160,000 respectively.

Featuring premium hardware in a smaller size, Xiaomi 14 started at HUF 400,000 in the spring of 2014, and can now be picked up for HUF 320,000.

Xiaomi 14T Pro

Ferenc László

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