Sport, as powerful as Viagra to combat impotence? Science answers…

2024-09-28 07:58:55

Would sport be able to replace the famous little blue pill in the event of repeated sexual breakdowns?

Yes, according to a recent scientific study which confirms the first ideas mentioned on the subject. In case of severe erectile problems, physical activity would indeed be as effective as Viagra.

Good news for the 10% of men (at least) who would be affected during their lifetime.

Which sports to practice, how often and for what benefits? Sport Équipements takes stock of the tremendous benefits of endurance exercise in terms of sexual fulfillment.

Effective physical activity to combat erectile dysfunction

Published at the end of 2023 in the Journal of Sexual Medicinea scientific study came to confirm the benefits of physical activity in general and sports d’endurance especially in cases of erectile dysfunction.

The results indeed made it possible to observe a significant improvement in erectile dysfunction in men undergoing an aerobic exercise program.

Measured based on the IIEF-EF (the International Index of Erectile Function), the improvement ranged from 2.3 points for mild dysfunction to 4.9 for severe dysfunction.

The interest ofaerobic exercise is therefore all the more interesting in men affected by advanced problems.

In 2018, a study large-scale study had already concluded the benefits of physical activity on erectile dysfunction in men with risk factors (obesity, hypertension, sedentary lifestyle, metabolic syndrome) or suffering from cardiovascular pathology.

The study published in 2023 extended the interest in endurance exercise to all men.

An alternative to traditional therapeutic solutions

Several classic therapeutic solutions exist to relieve patients regularly confronted with a sexual breakdown.

If you consult for a disorder of this type, you will generally be advised:

  • Medications: sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil, vardenafil or avanafil;
  • Injections into the corpora cavernosa of the penis;
  • The use of a pressure pump;
  • The installation of a penile prosthesis (as a last resort).

All of these approaches aim to increase blood flow to the penis, but none is harmless. However, few doctors mention the possibility of sport.

However, the regular practice of endurance physical activity appears to be a scientifically viable therapeutic solution.

No side effects, economical and good for health in general, sport deserves to be more considered in the management of erectile dysfunction.

Let us recall in passing that the results obtained by researchers with sport on the one hand and with Viagra on the other were identical in men suffering from severe disorders.

THE benefits of aerobic exercise are all the more significant when the return to exercise is accompanied by a varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Stopping smoking and reducing alcohol consumption (if necessary) also play a determining role in the effectiveness of treatment.

Preventing erectile dysfunction through physical activity

It’s no wonder that sport helps fight erectile dysfunction. Regular physical activity helps to reduce almost all of the risk factors associated with them:

  • Improve the cardiovascular health. Most erectile dysfunction is caused by a vascular problem linked to a deposit of cholesterol in the arteries of the penis, preventing proper irrigation of the penis. By improving vascular functioning, sport fights against this phenomenon. Incidentally, regularly exercising your cardiovascular system boosts endurance, leading to possibly longer lovemaking. To the wise…
  • Reduces the stress and anxiety. Physical activity encourages the secretion of dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, the “happiness hormones”. This natural hormonal shot relieves tension and promotes a feeling of calm. Sport thus helps to combat stress, the real enemy of fulfilled sexuality.
  • Boosts the production of testosterone. The main hormone of libido, testosterone is also involved in obtaining a firm and lasting erection. Endurance sports such as swimming, cycling and running, as well as weight training, are big producers of desire hormones.
  • Increases the self-confidence. Sport helps change the image we have of ourselves and generally allows us to feel more comfortable with our body. On the contrary, a lack of self-confidence can block the erectile process.
  • Help with weight control.

What sports and how often to perform in bed?

Any sport is good to take up, but certain disciplines prove to be more effective than others. Bet on the aerobic exercises which work on endurance and breathing over length (zone 2).

Cycling, swimming, running or even brisk walking improve cardiac capacity and vascular efficiency, thus helping to resolve erection problems.

Be careful, however, not to go “too much”, otherwise you risk having the opposite effect. By exhausting your body, efforts that are too frequent and too long can impact the secretion of sex hormonestire your body and ultimately cause your libido to drop. The right dose to preserve your sexual tone?

Two to three weekly sessions respecting days of recovery, letting go and relaxation. The study published in 2018 recommended forty minutes of intense to moderate physical activity four times a week.

Bonus question: does making love burn as many calories as a workout?

It’s time to debunk a myth. No, making love is not the same as working out.

So, if you were thinking of swapping your daily running session for some exercise, don’t expect to consume the same number of calories.

For thirty minutes of lovemaking, you will burn on average 100 calories if you are a man and 70 if you are a womancompared to 300 calories running, 280 while swimming and around 250 while cycling. So it all depends on your goals!

sport-cat-date-updated">Updated by Manon on:28/09/2024

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