The “fine print” of financial aid – Who should apply?

OR clearance of tax returns and the time of submission of the application on the digital platform “unlocks” the Market Pass 2 for the old and new beneficiaries of the aid. The platform curtain for submitting applications opens on Friday 15 September and will remain open until 31 October 2023. Those who have received the aid in the first cycle do not need to apply, but this year’s tax returns will be taken into account for the income criterion.

However, households that had received Market Pass 1 have until September 25 to submit a new application 2023 if:

a) wish to change the method of granting the financial aid from a digital debit card to a bank account, and vice versa or

b) the IBAN number of the bank account of their choice has changed.

The payments

Financial aid payments will be made:

  • Until September 29, 2023 for applications submitted by September 25, 2023 and for those who had already received the aid and are eligible again. A necessary condition is that the tax returns of the beneficiaries have been cleared by September 25, 2023.
  • Until November 5, 2023 for applications submitted after September 25 and until October 31, 2023and for those whose tax returns are cleared after September 25.

According to the joint ministerial decision:

1. Market pass 2 concerns the months of August, September and October 2023 and ranges from 22 to 100 euros per month if the allowance is paid on an immaterial digital card.

2. Beneficiaries of the aid are natural persons, single or married or widowed or persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement or separated or divorced who meet the defined income and property criteria.

Especially, for married persons or persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement, the beneficiary is the person liable to submit the income tax return or one of the two in case of submitting a separate return.

3. For the new beneficiaries, a new digital card is issued for making purchases exclusively in grocery stores, supermarkets, butchers, pastry shops, dairy stores, bakeries, street markets, various food stores. The new card will remain active until December 31, 2023. For those who had received the aid, a new card will not be issued as the validity of their card is extended until December 31, 2023.

4. Those who have chosen or will choose to pay the allowance into a bank account will receive 80% of the aid they are entitled to. In this case, the aid is used by the beneficiaries without restrictions.

5. Those who submit an application until September 25, 2023 have the possibility to change the details of the application or cancel the application for the issuance of the digital debit card until September 25, 2023, at which time the application is finalized and no change is possible her at a later time. For applicants who submit an application after September 25, 2023 and until October 31, 2023, it is possible to change the details of the application or cancel the application for the issuance of the digital debit card until October 31, when the application is finalized and it is not possible to change it at a later time.

6. In case of rejection of the process of crediting the aid to the digital debit card or to his bank account, the applicant will be informed by any suitable means and his application will be activated after the end of the deadline for submitting applications, so that he can take the necessary steps corrections and resubmit the application by November 25, 2023. After the resubmission, the crediting process to the digital card or bank account is repeated, until November 30, 2023. In case of rejection of the aid crediting process, it is not allowed to modify the initially chosen method payment of the aid.

7. Beneficiaries of the Market Pass are all tax residents of Greece who have submitted a tax return on time for 2022 and whose annual total income does not exceed:

• 16,000 euros for an unmarried debtor or a widowed or separated debtor,

• the 24,000 euros for a married debtor or married persons or parties to a cohabitation agreement who submit a separate tax return without children, which is increased by 5,000 euros for each dependent child, other dependent member and guest member of the household,

• 24,000 euros for a single-parent family and is increased by 5,000 euros for each dependent child, other dependent member and guest member, after the first.

In addition, the total value of the real estate must not exceed the amount of 250,000 euros for the unmarried, widowed or separated debtors and the amount of 400,000 euros for the married or cohabiting parties and single-parent families.

Exceptions. The following are excluded from the granting of aid:

a) The natural persons, who are declared in the Personal Income Tax Declaration for the tax year 2022 as dependent members of the debtor.

b) Natural persons, who declare in the Personal Income Tax Declaration for the tax year 2022 that they are hosted.

c) The natural persons subject to the luxury living tax for the tax year 2022.

d) Tax residents abroad.

e) Natural persons who have not submitted their income tax return for tax year 2022 up to and including the deadline for submitting returns for tax year 2022.

The aid is granted at the household level. Spouses or members with a cohabitation agreement, their dependent children, other dependent members and guest members are considered members of the household.

The amount of the financial aid is tax-free, non-assignable and non-seizable in the hands of the State or third parties.


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