Canada: Academic opportunities for Colombians – El Quindiano

On September 30, 2024, Magali Boffet, Education Attaché of the Canadian Embassy in Colombia, and Juan Manuel Toro, Director of Enrollment Management at the Collège Communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick, will carry out an important work agenda with the Office of International and Interinstitutional Relations of the University of Quindío.

The day will include a meeting with officials from the Quindío Ministry of Education, with the aim of developing a project that positions the department as the first bilingual department in Colombia. Eduardo Andrés Perafán Del Campo, director of the Office of International and Interinstitutional Relations, ORII, commented: “The trade commissioner for education from the Canadian Embassy visits us. We will then have an exploratory meeting in which they will explain to us the possibilities of articulation with the Canadian government to strengthen bilingualism in Quindío.”

Additionally, in collaboration with the Alliance Française of Armenia, the talk will be held: Nouveau Brunswick: a new destination for Colombians. During this day, the academic offer and opportunities available in this Canadian province will be discussed.

The director of the ORII also highlighted the importance of these spaces to consolidate the University as a bridge connecting with the world. “We have a fundamental challenge regarding bilingualism. In the department we are quite bad, which implies a huge contradiction, since it is a tourist territory. Part of our commitment is to look for alternatives in training in English and other languages, so that the University of Quindío is the agent that energizes, connects and makes these opportunities a reality.”

We invite you to discover Nouveau Brunswick, the only region officially bilingual in English and French, which opens its doors with great opportunities. Learn why it is the ideal destination for Colombians looking for a future abroad. Don’t miss this informative talk that will take place at 6 pm in the F3 208 Auditorium of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences!



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