Videos from the scene reveal eerie details – the race car…

On Saturday, Delfi received a lot of video from the accident scene. It was decided not to show them.

Eyewitnesses recorded that the racing car ran into people, people were under the car. The video shows three people pinned under the car.

One eyewitness also spoke to reporters and said that the spectators had only two seconds to escape, but that was not enough. After the accident, chaos reigned, people were screaming, looking for loved ones, all this can be seen in the video received by the editors.

An eyewitness to the incident, Valentin Milos, told the portal that he came to the rally to enjoy an interesting spectacle.

“At first I was happy about the holiday – it was the first time I saw something like this. I admired the fountain on Lake Dauniškis and thought what a beautiful evening and event itself: I watched the racing cars passing by with binoculars. Suddenly I saw that the light had gone out, I thought that the rally was over, but I decided not to rush home. I went that way to be there and rejoice with the people. Then I met a crying woman, I asked why she was crying. She asked people if anyone had seen her children. I was scared. I heard that people were calling on the phones, there was chaos, they told me that I couldn’t go there, it was dangerous there. Then I realized that something terrible had happened,” the interlocutor said.

He was in the place where there were people who were hit by a car, but then he left because he didn’t like it there, it was hard to see the highway, so he went to another place.

Another eyewitness said that during the rally several times it was announced that standing on the outside of the corner was not allowed, but spectators did not listen to the warning or react to it.

Delfi recalls that late on Friday evening a tragedy occurred in Utena – during the Samsonas Rally Utena 24, a car crashed into a crowd of spectators, killing a 21-year-old young man, and 14 others received various injuries.



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