Bernarte formalized a loan for the acquisition of municipal vehicles – Radio Estación

Mayor Damián Bernarte has signed the necessary documentation for a loan with the Bank of the Province of Córdoba, intended for the purchase of four vehicles that will strengthen the municipal fleet. Among the vehicles purchased are a sweeper, a watering truck, a backhoe and a concrete mixer truck.

This agreement was made at the headquarters of the provincial bank, after the authorization of an ordinance by the Deliberative Council. During the signing, Bernarte expressed: “Accessing credit with very beneficial rates is part of the policy of the government of the province of Córdoba, which seeks to offer municipalities financing tools to improve public services.”

The mayor highlighted that, in less than three years, more than 40 vehicles have been incorporated into the municipal fleet. “With this new acquisition, we continue to strengthen our vehicle fleet, which is essential for the services and infrastructure areas,” he commented.

Bernarte stressed that the objective is “to continue improving the provision of services for the residents of our city. “We have made a significant investment in equipment and we are convinced that these decisions improve the quality of life in our community.”

Second Joint Interaction Meeting

On the other hand, Mayor Damián Bernarte, together with the Secretaries of Economy, Marcelo Moreno, and of Government, Raúl Angonoa, participated in the Second Meeting of Joint Interaction of Tax Administrations of Córdoba, convened by the Secretariat of Public Revenue of the Province.

This meeting brought together the economic teams of the municipalities of the main Córdoba cities to address common problems, with the aim of harmonizing tax and economic policies, as well as the national government measures that impact municipal management.

In addition, common criteria for preparing budgets were discussed, the projects of which will soon be presented to the Deliberative Councils. In this context, the Secretary of Economy, Marcelo Moreno, stated: “Joint work with other municipalities seeks to harmonize economic policies based on the initiative of the Ministry of Public Revenue, headed by Gerardo Pintucci.”



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