“Weeds and dirt, more care is needed for Carmagnola’s cycle paths” – Il Carmagnolese

An interpellation from PD and Carmagnola Civica focuses on the care of the city’s cycle paths: “they are often invaded by weeds and need to be cleaned better”.

A section of the cycle path that connects the Carmagnola station with the sports facilities and Borgo San Giovanni

The cycle paths towns end targeted by the opposition of the centre-left, which presented a question on the topic signed by the five councilors of PD and Carmagnola Civicato be discussed on Monday evening during the next City Council meeting.

«Numerous traitsespecially those external to the concentric towards the villages of San Giovanni, San Bernardo and Cappuccini, they would need more maintenance -we read in the document- The grass often grows on the sides and, in some cases, invades the roadway of the runway; more cleaning is also neededthrough more accurate sweeping».

Hot autumn in the Council in Carmagnola, with 11 questions from the opposition

The opposition councilors therefore suggest evaluating the use, for these activities, of part of the work site personnel who already takes care of the cleaning of the center («with a number of presences that seem even higher than necessary», they underline).

«Greater care can avoid degradation, including aesthetic degradationof our cycle paths, also encouraginguse of the bicycle as a means of urban transport», conclude from PD and Carmagnola Civica, asking the Administration to specify how it intends to intervene and with what means to deal with the situation.

A study reveals that traveling by bicycle like the Dutch do would help us reduce CO2 emissions



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