Commentary on the Gospel for Sunday, September 29, 2024.

He Who Is Not Against Us Is With Us

Dear friends, peace and good.

The Dangers of Envy

Envy is a very bad advisor. It ends up consuming from within, bringing only sorrow to the heart of man. When one lives in envy, life becomes a race to have what others possess. This desire for control only amplifies negative feelings. Reflecting on the relationship between Joshua and Moses, we see Moses’ broader vision regarding God’s mission. Joshua wanted to restrict the Spirit’s work to their own group, but Moses, having encountered God, wished that all people could receive His Spirit. This desirable wish echoes through our time today.

God’s Mission Beyond Borders

The gift of divine mission is not limited by geography, age, or status. The instance of Eldad and Meldad, who prophesied outside the designated group of seventy elders, illustrates this profoundly. Their experience teaches that God’s actions are unrestricted by human limitations. This first reading reveals the freedom God has in His dealings. While we may struggle to understand this perspective or even accept it, God’s vision encompasses what is ultimately beneficial for us.

A Harsh Reality of Wealth

Within our communities, billionaires are rare entities. This scarcity might be a blessing, especially when considering the fate depicted in the Charter of Santiago concerning the ungrateful rich. It’s easy to perceive their lives as glamorous, but the reality is marked by impending darkness due to their exploitation of others. James writes, “You have lived luxuriously and given yourselves over to pleasure; with this, you have gained weight for the day of slaughter.” This stark warning serves as a critique on the unfairness prevalent in how wealth accumulates in society. Money itself is not evil; rather, it is the means and motivations behind its acquisition that often lead to moral decay.

Divine Justice vs. Human Justice

The God who sometimes seems unresponsive will ultimately champion the righteous, those deceived and abused by the exploiting few. His ears are open to the cries of the oppressed. Thank God for human justice, although it doesn’t always resolve human issues promptly. Divine justice, in contrast, never fails. In our faith communities, no single entity holds the monopoly on the Spirit or the Gospel’s understanding. We are collectively a prophetic people, called to witness and proclaim the Gospel together.

Inclusivity of God’s Gifts

God’s gifts are not confined to a privileged few. Whether it be through children, the less educated, or even the ordinary, God can speak through anyone. Consider the apparitions at Lourdes or the messages from the shepherds of Fátima; these instances highlight how the Spirit can reach audiences through seemingly humble vessels. Saint Benedict himself recognized that wisdom could come through the youngest among monks. Reflecting on our personal experiences, many have learned invaluable lessons from the innocence of children, underscoring that the Spirit is present and active across all ages.

The Importance of Community

As we participate in our faith communities, we must be cautious of our actions and their potential repercussions on others. Our behaviors can either uplift or cause scandal, especially for those weaker in faith. Jesus’ teachings clarify that it is better to “cut off” anything that leads one away from communion with God, symbolically speaking. Such drastic measures emphasize maintaining spiritual integrity rather than mere physical well-being.

Recognizing God’s Love for All

God loves all humanity. His perspective encompasses every individual as His beloved child. This divine view invites us to remember that our mission is to foster a sense of unity and support, tearing down barriers rather than building them.

Living by Love

Often, we allow trivial matters to irritate our spirits. Jesus invites us to focus on what truly matters: the Kingdom of God and its role in elevating human dignity. Our hope is not merely to escape punishment but to embody God’s love, striving to reflect His essence in our actions and interactions.

Practical Tips for Building Community

  • Embrace Diversity: Recognize and respect the different paths people may take in their spiritual journeys.
  • Practice Inclusivity: Welcome voices from all backgrounds, acknowledging the value they bring to the community.
  • Foster Open Communication: Create avenues for dialogue and understanding, ensuring everyone feels heard and valued.
  • Encourage Acts of Service: Engage in compassionate actions that support the less fortunate and highlight the community’s commitment to justice.
  • Model Forgiveness: Show grace towards others, inspiring a culture of forgiveness and acceptance within the community.

Case Studies: Transformative Impact of Faith

Case Study Impact Key Takeaway
Apparitions at Lourdes Transformation of a community into a global site of pilgrimage Faith can lead to profound communal healing and unity
Fatima Shepherds Mass mobilization for peace and solidarity Even youth can inspire significant movements for change
Saint Benedict’s Monks Fostering spiritual growth through communal living Community life nurtures faith development regardless of age

In our quest to live out our faith, we are reminded that, whether we are prophets, ministers, or the faithful in the pews, our collective mission is unified. Each of us carries the Spirit in a unique way, and together we contribute to the broader vision of God’s kingdom.

Your brother in faith,
Alejandro Carbajo, CMF



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