Dengue, second case in a month Prophylaxis begins in the neighborhood – Chieti – Il Centro

ORTONA. The second case of Dengue in less than a month in the city was reported to the Municipality with a note from the complex operational unit Epidemiological hygiene and public health service of the ASL Lanciano Vasto Chieti. Based on the provisions of the “National Plan for Prevention, Surveillance and Response to Arboviruses (Pna) 2020/2025” – we read in a note – the municipal administration of Ortona, through the prefectural commissioner Gianluca Bragahas implemented all the useful measures to prevent the transmission of the virus, paying greater attention to correct management of the territory with environmental remediation actions with the aim of eliminating the sites where mosquitoes breed and reducing their density, both in public and private areas.
In particular, the Municipality asked EcoLan Spa, the company that deals with urban hygiene, to proceed with disinfestation for three consecutive days and for a radius of at least 200 meters from the places where the person became infected or frequented; to carry out larvicidal treatments of drains, manholes and vents in public areas; the elimination of removable larval foci; greater attention in waste treatment and street cleaning; the cleaning of abandoned areas and the maintenance of green areas. For these reasons, a disinfestation will be carried out and the search for and elimination of larval outbreaks will be started in via Roma, in via Costantinopoli and in via Cervana, according to the following program: in the morning (from 3 am) today and on 30 September and in the morning (from 3am) on October 1st. The population is invited not to display food or clothing outside their homes, to close windows, to keep pets inside and to empty saucers.
Yesterday morning, a video conference meeting was held on the Dengue virus in which officials and technicians from the Health Prevention and Veterinary Health services of the Region’s Health Department as well as the Prevention Department of the Lanciano-Vasto-Chieti Local Health Authority (Uoc) participated. Animal Health” and Siesp) and the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Teramo. The data relating to the captures of Aedes albopictus species – the “tiger mosquitoes” – in the egg traps deposited in recent weeks in various “sensitive” points in the Ortona area were examined. This is to prevent the positivity of arthropods with respect to the Dengue virus from causing outbreaks of Dengue fever. (cr.or.)



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