Demo against exclusion in Bern

Demo against exclusion in Bern

More than a thousand people demonstrated in Bern today for the right to migration and asylum. The motto of the rally was “No borders between us”.

The migration policy movement Solidarité sans frontières and more than a hundred other organizations and parties called for the demonstration. The organizers spoke of more than 3,000 demonstrators.

In constant rain, the procession led from the Schützenmatte through the city center to the Federal Palace. “Smash corporations, capital and borders – a good life for everyone” was read on one of the many banners carried, as a correspondent for the Keystone-SDA news agency reported.

The asylum and migration regime is characterized by exclusion and disenfranchisement, it was said at the rally. Many people who lived here were reduced to their migration history and racially excluded. This has to come to an end.

“We are all part of an open and diverse society,” it said in one call. “We will not allow ourselves to be divided.” For the refugees, the demonstrators demanded freedom of movement instead of borders, rights and dignity instead of illegalization and participation instead of exclusion.



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