VIDEO | A woman earns from gossip: She claims that she is paid well to reveal secrets, she has built two houses so far

At first glance, it seems that Mirjam (67) lives a modest and quiet life, but the truth is different.

Namely, the resident of the city of Armenia in central Colombia claims that she “turned gossip and secrets into a business”, from which she managed to build two houses.

According to her, she collects information about the neighborhood not only out of curiosity, but gossip is her “main source of income.”

In a TikTok video that has gone viral, she explains that there are special prizes for gossip. He charges $5,000 for regular gossip and $10,000 for “juicier.”

Her method is simple, as she claims, and effective. Every day he sits in front of the house, observes what is happening and writes everything down in a notebook.

She emphasizes that she does not miss any detail, like a real detective, while in the house there are “photos of neighbors” involved in cases of infidelity, reports “Lacalle Blue Radio”.

He sells the collected “information” to whoever will make a bid. She is in high demand, she claims, and people often pay her not to reveal their secrets.

This story caused a heated discussion in the networks. Some find it comical, while others point out that such behavior can have serious consequences.

It should be noted that Mirjam’s claims have not been confirmed, but she has probably left a mark on her community.

@ladydaniellag She got rich selling gossip #ladydaniellag #zafirustudios ♬ original sound – lady daniella g

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