The candle burns in every color until sunset

Minto has written ‘A man’s heart is like Amr Ayar’s basket. Thousands of women should fit into it, there is still room.’

Although we disagree with this, but this drama is based on such a man who has good ideas.

A wife is a harmless creature. Takes care of the whole house. She blindly trusts her husband. If you speak of love, you will be happy.

Nakhra belongs to a lover like you. A person is not happy to be beaten, you are very cruel.’

He who is jealous of his beloved is not a cruel person. This addiction does not see relationships, nor relationships and throws a trap as skillfully as an experienced man. He wants to trap the woman. It comes to play with his emotions, desires.

This is the reason why a woman starts to understand, no one can understand her more than this hero. This is magic. Now the heart knows.

But he is an experienced hunter and is skilled in setting traps. This is a subject that is difficult to cover on TV, but in the first 12 episodes, the bright but curious layers of this character, Shaheer, have been revealed while the very first scene of the drama was testifying to another story.

Shaheer is a very rich man. The class that cannot go out in a single vehicle without security guards.

Shaheer is approaching middle age and his grandmother Jehanu has raised him after the death of his parents. She wants him to like a girl and get married now, but what interest does a man like Shaheer have in marriage? He could, so he kept avoiding it.

Although he is a very cautious, submissive, and spoiled grandson to his grandmother, this may be due to the family business partnership, which will be revealed in the next episodes.

Shaheer is the main character of the drama, who cannot be called a hero or a villain.

These are two number type functions. They are done with honesty and trust, the same way a man first restores trust by being honest to bring a woman into his life.

After that he enjoys the surprises of these girls by giving surprise gifts. He spends wealth on them and in the end he goes and puts his goal in front in such a way that there is no justification left to refuse or leave.

Buys the dreams of forced girls, bids for the royal dreams of poor girls. Brings them to Khabambanagar and drinks them.

In all this characterisation, Arha who is a middle class girl and works in an insurance company, due to the mere coincidences of life, she collides with a rascal like Shaheer.

After the death of her parents, Arhako was brought up and taught by her uncle and aunt, so now she has no dreams of a normal girl’s life.

She has to support her uncle by earning unconsciously and repaying the kindness of her aunt by doing housework.

In her past, her mother has a life-threatening, anti-society move that has become a taunt to her, and she is obsessed with proving that she is not like her mother.

But it is still not clear what happened in his life.

On the contrary, Sajal, who is Arha’s cousin, is a maternal uncle. She not only dreams of princes riding a white horse, but she is sure that those dreams will come true.

His mother has also given him the same confidence that he is more beautiful and modern than Arha. She will be married to a prince and she keeps asking her mother to find a rich prince for her.

To change her class, she not only befriends rich friends from the university, but also enjoys the dance parties she once dreamed of.

While shopping with her friend for her wedding, she steals a diamond ring from a jewelry store and gives it to her friend as a gift.

The police reaches his house with the CCTV camera and arrests him. This is Shaheer’s second chance to impress Arha.

This battle is also completed.

Arha and Shaheer’s grandmother meet at Sajal’s same rich friend’s wedding, thus Arha gets access to Shaheer’s life as a wife.

Although Sajal and her mother try hard to be uncles, but Arha’s uncle stands in front of everyone as a leaden wall, thus Sajal becomes the mistress of a palatial house and also her business partner as a gift.

Now after marriage, Shaheer would find himself in the bedroom of an old lover, where the man inside him is actually fully exposed.

He, who used to be an arrogant writer, remembered the sentence he had written here, ‘The dignitaries of my city, of my city. No one knows better than

Where there is an empty space, you should fill it according to today’s era.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

Now, after marrying Arha, Shaheer has continuously done favors to Sajal and has trapped him in his trap and has also offered him the life he wants by putting his hand on his neck and decorating his hair.

Sajal cannot refuse because the prince of her dreams has opened the door of her life by pressing her under the burden of favors, knocking on the door of her life himself.

Sajal is another forced victim.

Shaheer now has the justification that if she can sneak into class one dance parties, her videos can prove it.

Pictures of his love affair with a local can go viral, so why not Shaheer?

The drama presenters saw the special class, but could not separate the rich from the upper middle class.

Not so rich men and women carry their branded shopping bags. Even if they are in a mall, the employees take them with them or carry them in the car. While going from one mall to another, these bags are not carried along at all.

Nor would such a big businessman pick up bags and walk into diamond shops.

He doesn’t even carry his briefcase and now laptop bag.

A few percent of research could be done on two percent of the class. These modern bags show a sign of class, hehe.

Ah should take a lifetime to take effect

The drama has been written by Misbah Nausheen and is being aired on Har Pul Jeosa.

Technical flaws are visible but the story overshadows them.

The story of the palaces and riches of Prince Shaheer, who comes on a white horse, leaves a question mark on the consciousness of these dreamy girls.

But even so, the conscious work of those who decorate such dreams is less, their dreams are more powerful.

Look at the desire to join the two percent class.

The candle burns in every color until sunset.

#candle #burns #color #sunset
2024-09-29 02:01:11



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