there is the M5S hand. Who is it about – Time

In recent weeks, Rome has been plastered with billboards, displayed outdoors, bearing the slogan “Russia is not our enemy”, complete with an invitation to interrupt arms supplies to Ukraine and Israel. Who organized the distribution of the posters? This was, for days, the most shared question in the city and then in the media. The truth has now emerged and was reported by the information and current affairs site Linkiesta. The campaign in favor of Moscow and against Kiev was commissioned by Domenico Aglioti, a former municipal councilor of Rome, as well as president of the Culture Commission and one of the founders of the Five Star Movement in the capital.

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Aglioti, “the generous committee”, we read, is not only an “animator of the no-vax, anti-5G and Putin movements”, but is one of Virginia Raggi’s supporters. The former municipal councilor of Rome contributed to the launch of the former mayor so much so as to deserve a biographical note on the website of the Guarantor of the 5 Star Movement Beppe Grillo. “Together with Domenico Aglioti we built the 19th Municipality group piece by piece by holding stalls wherever there was a sufficiently wide pavement”, writes Raggi. But that’s not all. Linkiesta journalists got in touch with “Nuovi Spazi Advertising”, the company that drew up the rental contract, to get an idea of ​​what the expense was.

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The answer has not arrived but, counting, there are twenty billboards posted and at least five motorized sails running around the city. “According to some experts contacted by us, the amount of an advertising campaign with these characteristics costs between thirty thousand and fifty thousand euros”, we read on the site and in the article by Massimiliano Coccia. The question being asked therefore concerns the Municipality of Rome. Why was a campaign in favor of Russia, where no freedom is protected, not condemned and censored? ​

#M5S #hand #Time
2024-09-29 00:20:34



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