one more step in immersive experiences

I have already tested both the first HD Haptics gaming cushion and the new model of the iconic headset series

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

It is common to associate certain brands with specific products and categorize them within a market. Additionally, if these brands are known for their quality, this practice becomes even more prevalent. This is the case with Razer, one of the most esteemed companies in the video game hardware industry, having established direct collaborations with them, as well as with their Fortnite peripherals.

Whenever Razer unveils a new product, it is essential to listen closely to uncover not only the new features they have introduced but also to understand through these innovations, what the next step in technology is poised to be on a broader scale. Recently, I had the chance to try two items that hold immense promise: one represents a significant advancement for a product that Razer has been refining for years, and the other could redefine the concept of immersive experiences.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

I have been able to test both the Razer Kraken V4 Pro and the Freyja cushion

I am talking about the Kraken V4 Pro headphones and the Freyja cushion: the former designed for HD Haptics gaming and two of Razer’s key highlights for RazerCon 2024, which began today and will conclude on October 5. Following Razer’s recent launch of the Kraken V4 and V4 X models, they are already anticipating that one of these will be crowned as the king of gaming headphones.

On the other hand, there is much more to discuss regarding Freyja. We are looking at a pioneering device that is unlike anything else available, which could signal the beginning of a new era in immersive experiences based on haptics.

This is the Razer Kraken V4 Pro, the new model of the iconic series

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The significant innovation of the Kraken V4 Pro is the OLED Control Hub

According to the Razer team, the main innovation of these headphones is the inclusion of a device known as the OLED Control Hub, designed to provide the user with enhanced control over audio, reaching unprecedented limits. The design of the OLED Control Hub is inspired by audio amplifiers and features a OLED screen set at an ergonomic 20º angle.

Its purpose is to serve as a command center that consolidates over 20 options that users can edit with two simple buttons: one for menu navigation to access various sections, and a dial for choosing settings. In addition to managing audio and haptic settings, users can customize the home screen to display system metrics or their own images and animations.

Before delving into the headphones themselves, I want to provide my initial impressions of the OLED Control Hub because both the concept and implementation are quite impressive. The ability to adjust audio settings without cluttering the computer’s desktop with windows or programs seems fantastic. Thanks to the OLED technology, users can even make these adjustments without turning on the monitor, all facilitated by an exceptionally optimized menu that achieves maximum functionality with minimal complexity. It’s quite a marvel.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The OLED Control Hub allows for a wide range of adjustments without needing to turn on the monitor

Now, regarding the headset itself and its features, they align with what one would expect from Razer, but the standout aspect is the Razer Sensa HD Haptics technology, which converts precise audio signals and game actions into nuanced haptic feedback, creating a tangible layer of immersion. This means the headphones provide audio cues alongside realistic vibrations that enhance the overall gaming experience.

To give a practical example, in real life, an explosion is not only heard but also felt through the vibrations it creates. This sensation is perfectly replicated by the Razer Kraken V4 Pro. It’s challenging to articulate this experience without having tried it, but the closest description would be that you not only hear what occurs in the game; you feel it as if you were right there. Razer has aimed to enrich this experience with pads designed to optimize haptic conductivity.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The Razer Kraken V4 Pro features Razer Sensa HD Haptics technology

Finally, an intriguing detail is that these headphones can be enjoyed with a PC, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, or mobile device. The OLED Control Hub serves as a station that can connect up to three audio sources simultaneously through two USB-C ports and one 3.5mm port. This means we can have the Razer Kraken V4 Pro connected to a PC and a PlayStation 5, for instance, and switch audio input channels using the OLED Control Hub with just the press of two buttons.

As mentioned, my experience with these headphones is challenging to articulate because the Razer Sensa HD Haptics technology makes it truly unique. Moreover, this sensation is further enhanced when combined with Razer Freyja, which I was fortunate enough to experience.

The Razer Freyja cushion takes immersive experiences to a new level

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

Razer Freyja enhances immersion in video games with its six high-definition haptic motors

The standout feature of this product is indeed Razer Sensa HD Haptics. The team at Razer discussed how the experience with Freyja reached such realistic levels that it blurred the boundaries between gaming environments and reality—something I wholeheartedly agree with. To explain how it works, this cushion, which can be placed on most gaming chairs, not just those from the Razer brand, contains six strategically placed high-definition haptic motors that accurately reflect in-game actions, significantly enhancing the perception of visual and auditory information.

The concept and feeling are quite similar to what I’ve described regarding the Kraken V4 Pro. The goal is for the body to receive additional stimuli that aid in the immersive experience. However, since Freyja distributes sensory feedback along the back and legs, the sensation becomes even more intense. Specifically, the motors are arranged in two columns, one in front of the other across three heights: below the shoulder blades, around the kidney area, and directly on the hamstrings.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

Freyja can be placed on most gaming chairs

The vibration sensations can vary significantly depending on in-game actions, from sensations that run up or down the back to more intense tremors in specific areas. In my experience, the integration of custom haptic feedback directly within games is commendable, and if it reproduces the same features across all titles, it could elevate the concept of immersive experiences to new heights.

Additionally, Razer Freyja includes thoughtful details that demonstrate considerable effort behind its development. For example, it features a small control area on the side of the cushion to turn it off or adjust its intensity. This is particularly useful for quickly disabling the device without needing to power on the computer again if one has stopped using it. However, this can be awkward while seated if you plan to continue using the PC, which is why similar functions can also be conducted via the Razer Synapse application. Another example is the quick-release cable connection system, designed to protect the cushion from potential damage due to accidental pulls or tugs.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The Freyja cushion includes a quick-release cable connection system

As I have mentioned before, I believe that the only factor preventing this product from a resounding success is its ability to deliver experiences as incredible as those I had across a wide range of titles because as a concept and execution, it is a revolutionary invention.

You can follow Alpha Beta on Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter (X) to stay up to date with the latest video game news.

I have already tested both the first HD Haptics gaming cushion and the new model of the iconic headset series

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

It is common to relate certain brands to a type of product and pigeonhole them within a market. Furthermore, if these brands are synonymous with quality, this practice is even more normal. This is what happens with Razer, one of the most prestigious companies in the manufacturing of video game hardware, even having direct collaborations with them as well as with their Fortnite peripherals.

Whenever Razer presents a new product you have to open your ears very wide to discover not only the new features they have incorporated, but also to learn, through these innovations, what is the next step that technology is about to take at a general level? In this sense, recently I have had the opportunity to try two items that promise a lot, one that represents that leap in level for a product that Razer has been perfecting for years and another that can create a new concept of what an immersive experience is.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

I have been able to test both the Razer Kraken V4 Pro and the Freyja cushion

I am referring to the Kraken V4 Pro headphones and the Freyja cushion; the first for HD Haptics gaming; two of the big bets for RazerCon 2024 which started today and will end on October 5. After Razer recently released the Kraken V4 and V4 X models, they have already prepared what they hope will be proclaimed as the king of gaming headphones.

On the other hand, regarding Freyja, there is even more to tell. We are facing a pioneer device as has not existed before, and that can give the starting signal for the development of immersive experiences based on haptics.

This is the Razer Kraken V4 Pro, the new model of the iconic series

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The great innovation of the Kraken V4 Pro is the OLED Control Hub

As the Razer team explained to us, the main innovation of these headphones is that they include a device called OLED Control Hub, which was born with the idea of giving the user much more control over the audio, reaching limits that had not yet been reached. The design of the OLED Control Hub is inspired by audio amplifiers and features a OLED screen configured at an ergonomic 20º angle.

Its function is to serve as a command center which brings together a large number of options, more than 20, that the user can edit thanks to two simple buttons, one that will be used to navigate the menu by accessing each section and a wheel that will help choose the setting we want. In addition to managing audio and haptic settings, you can also customize the home screen to display, for example, system metrics or custom images and animations.

Before moving on to the headphones as such, I think that the OLED Control Hub deserves a first evaluation from me, because both the concept and the way of carrying it out is very striking. The idea of being able to make audio adjustments without “polluting” the computer’s desktop screen with windows or programs seems fantastic to me. Thanks to the OLED that the device incorporates, we could change these settings without turning on the monitor with a very well optimized menu that cannot offer more with less. A wonder.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The OLED Control Hub allows you to make a wide variety of adjustments without even turning on the monitor

Speaking of the headset itself and its features, these are on par with what can be expected from Razer, but the most striking thing is the Razer Sensa HD Haptics technology which serves to transform precise audio signals and game actions in nuanced haptic feedback, creating a layer of tangible immersion. That is, the headphones will not only give us the audio information of what is happening on the screen with sound, but also with small vibrations that are present in real life and that serve to complete the game experience.

To give a practical example of this, an explosion in real life is not only heard; it is somehow “felt” thanks to the vibrations it causes. This is perfectly replicated by the Razer Kraken V4 Pro. It’s a difficult feeling to explain without having tried it, but I think the best way to explain it is that not only do you hear what happens in the game, but you feel it as if you were there. The brand with the three snakes has sought to round out this experience with the pads, made to optimize haptic conductivity.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The Razer Kraken V4 Pro features Razer Sensa HD Haptics technology

Finally, a very interesting detail is that you can enjoy the sound of these headphones in PC, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, or mobile device. The OLED Control Hub acts as a station to connect up to three audio sources simultaneously through two USB-C ports and one 3.5mm port. That is, we can have the Razer Kraken V4 Pro connected to a PC and a PlayStation 5, for example, and change the audio input channel thanks to the OLED Control Hub with just the press of two buttons.

As I said, my experience with these headphones is complicated to explain because the Razer Sensa HD Haptics technology makes it very unique and different. Besides, this sensation improves even more if, as I was lucky enough to do, we mix it with Razer Freyja.

The Razer Freyja cushion reaches a new level for immersive experiences

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

Razer Freyja adds a lot to immersion in video games thanks to its six high-definition haptic motors

The main protagonist of this product is precisely Razer Sensa HD Haptics. From the green brand team, they talked about how the experience with Freyja reached such points of realism that it blurred the lines between the game environments and reality, and I can’t agree more. So that you understand how it works, this cushion, which can be placed on the vast majority of chairs gaming, not only in the Razer brand; has six high-definition haptic motors strategically placed to faithfully reflect what happens within the video game, greatly improving the way of perceiving the visual and auditory information received.

The concept and feeling is very similar to what I have described with the Kraken V4 Pro. The objective is that the body receives even more stimuli that help it feel in the game but as Freyja spreads those pockets of information along her back and legs, the sensation is even more intense. Specifically, the motors that I mentioned before are placed in two columns, one in front of the other at three heights: below the shoulder blades, around the kidney area, and right in the hamstrings.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

Freyja can be placed on the vast majority of gaming chairs

Depending on the action of the game, the vibration can be very different from a sensation that runs down or up the entire back or a tremor of greater intensity in one area and less intense in the others. In my experience, the work that Razer has done to integrate custom haptic feedback directly into games is fantastic and if it offers the same features with all the titles, it can take the concept of an immersive experience to another level.

In addition, Razer Freyja incorporates some details that show that there is a lot of work behind its development. For example, it has a small control area on the side of the cushion, which is used to turn it off or adjust the intensity. This element is very useful to be able to turn off the device without having to turn on the computer again if you have already stopped using it. Even so, it can be very uncomfortable if you are sitting and are going to continue using the PC, which is why these same operations can be performed from the Razer Synapse application itself. Another example is the quick release cable connection system designed to protect the cushion against possible damage caused by accidental tugging and pulling.

First impressions of Razer Freyja and Razer Kraken V4 Pro: one more step in immersive experiences

The Freyja cushion features a quick cable release connection system

As I have already said, I think that the only thing that separates this product from a resounding success is that it truly offers experiences as incredible as the one I experienced with a wide range of titles, because as an idea and as an execution it is a revolutionary invention.

You can follow Alpha Beta in Facebook, WhatsApp or Twitter (X) to stay up to date with the latest video game news.



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