All indicators on the rise, call for vigilance, new vaccination campaign… the circulation of Covid-19 is intensifying in Paca

2024-09-27 08:55:00

Are you a little woozy at the moment? Maybe it’s… Covid-19. According to the latest observations from Public Health France (SPF), an intensification of the circulation of Covid-19 “seems to be starting” in France and particularly in the Paca region.

The week of September 16 to 22, “all indicators for all ages were increasing in town and in hospital”indicated the agency in its weekly bulletin.

“This increase is driven by adults, and more particularly those aged 65 and over”specified SPF.

Among those aged 65 and over, there were 1,013 hospitalizations after going to the emergency room for Covid or suspected Covid, or 2.9% of hospitalizations after going to the emergency room in this age group, compared to 1.7% one week. earlier.

Call for vigilance in the coming weeks

In addition to doctor consultations and hospitalizations, wastewater – where the presence of SARS-CoV-2 is monitored in 12 stations across France – shows an increase in the detection of the virus “for the fourth consecutive week”. This is particularly the case in the PACA region where there is an increase of more than 20% of the virus in wastewater from the South of France.

An intensification of the circulation of SARS-CoV-2 seems to be beginningthe evolution of which will need to be monitored vigilantly over the coming weeks”, summarized SPF.

In this context, the health agency insists on “the systematic adoption of barrier gestures by all”particularly on wearing a mask in the event of symptoms, in busy places and in the presence of vulnerable people.

New vaccination campaign

A new vaccination campaign against Covid, but also the flu, will begin on October 15 and target in particular French people aged 65 and over and people at risk of serious illness.

If vaccines lose effectiveness over time against infections, they remain very protective against serious forms, insist the health authorities.

In addition, certain adults (immunocompromised people, 65 years and over at risk) can also benefit from specific antiviral treatment, SPF recalled.

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