Outrage over FPÖ politicians at funeral with SS song

A video published online by the “Standard” caused outrage in which prominent members of the FPÖ took part in a funeral at which the song “When everyone becomes unfaithful” was sung – according to the report in the version known as the “loyalty song”. was used by the Schutzstaffel SS. The SPÖ, Greens and NEOS sharply criticized the FPÖ, and Jewish students filed a complaint. The FPÖ found it disrespectful that a funeral was being used politically.

According to a report from the “Standard”, all of this happened at the funeral of the former FPÖ district councilor and “old man” of the German national fraternity Olympia Walter Sucher on Friday in Vienna. He caused a stir at an FPÖ party conference in 2006 when he greeted the audience “with a strong hail.” The then 72-year-old defended this afterwards and said that one should not miss the opportunity to sing the song “When everyone becomes unfaithful”. At his funeral, this song, which was written in the early 19th century, was performed in a version in which the “holy German Empire” is sung and which, alongside the Germany and Horst Wessel songs, plays a central role in the songwriting the SS, as extremism researcher Bernhard Weidinger from the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW) explained in the “Standard”.

According to a video leaked to the “Standard”, guests at the funeral included the FPÖ National Council members Harald Stefan and Martin Graf as well as club director Norbert Nemeth, all of whom are also running for the FPÖ in tomorrow’s National Council election, as well as ex-club boss Johann Gudenus. It is not known whether they sang along at that point, which, according to right-wing extremism researcher Andreas Peham, interviewed by the “Standard”, can be prosecuted under the prohibition law.

FPÖ: “Unreligious and shabby”

In any case, the Greens saw the report as further evidence that the FPÖ was right-wing extremist. The day before the National Council election, Justice Minister Alma Zadić called on the ÖVP and SPÖ to “finally show a clear stance”. SPÖ leader Andreas Babler called on X to vote for the SPÖ to protect democracy: “Let’s make sure that our country doesn’t fall into the hands of these people.” NEOS General Secretary Douglas Hoyos, in turn, emphasized to the APA that he hoped “that all parties – especially the ÖVP – are aware of these right-wing extremist activities of the FPÖ in coalition negotiations.” The People’s Party once again focused its criticism specifically on the “Kickl-FPÖ” under chairman Herbert Kickl. The party wrote on The Jewish Austrian Students (JöH) have reported the above-mentioned FPÖ politicians and other people to the Vienna public prosecutor’s office for renewed activity.

Meanwhile, when asked by the APA, the FPÖ expressed outrage at the video recordings of the farewell. “To now want to politically abuse the funeral of a private individual, over whose planning and organization the FPÖ had no influence, is irreverent and shabby.”



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