The Elvis Presley phenomenon. When and where to watch a film about him?

The Elvis Presley phenomenon. When and where to watch a film about him?

The undisputed king of rock’n’roll, Elvis Presley has been inspiring music lovers for decades. Music journalist Marcin Wojciechowski talked about the king’s phenomenon on Dzień Dobry TVN. Why do we still love Elvis Presley?

Elvis Presley phenomenon

500 million records sold, an everlasting legend and an iconic image. The music and character of Elvis Presley probably do not need to be introduced to anyone. The king of rock’n’roll ushered in a new era of music in the United States. He played guitar and piano, and in his work he combined country, pop, rockabilly and rock. To this day, it is a great inspiration for artists around the world.

– He looked nice, he moved well, he broke patterns – that’s one thing. But how he influenced America in those years, how he influenced decision-makers, art, pop, music is amazing, because he broke a lot of barriers. […] He believed that music should unite– explained the journalist.

As Marcin Wojciechowski emphasized, even though Elvis died in 1977, the artist’s legend still lives on, and his figure still arouses great emotions among listeners.

Why do we love Elvis Presley?

Elvis Presley, apart from his musical achievements, became a pop culture icon. The image, innovative for that time, the way of singing, moving and acting on fans, became a permanent part of the American imagination. As Marcin Wojciechowski emphasized – something that was very controversial at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s is now part of music history.

– In fact, 50 years have passed since his death, and he is still alive. […] Elvis is alive! Please watch this video – concluded the journalist. The story of the artist’s extraordinary life was portrayed in the film “Elvis” directed by Baz Luhrmann, which will be broadcast on Friday, September 27 on TVN at 8:00 p.m.

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