“More responsible students” –

The reform of conduct and evaluation in the Primary was definitively approved by the Chamber of Deputies: the Chamber definitively approved the Valditara bill with 154 votes in favour, 97 against and 7 abstentions. The opposition is against it. “The law approved by Parliament represents a fundamental step for the construction of a school system that empowers children and restores authority to teachers”, the reaction of the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara. “I thank the majority parliamentary groups for this important result. With the reform, student behavior will weigh in the overall evaluation of the school career and admission to state exams. The institution of suspension changes, there will be more school and not less school for the student who violates the rules of civil coexistence; for the most serious cases there will be employment in solidarity citizenship activities. Our goal is to support the daily work of teachers and all school staff so that young people are clear not only about the rights but also the duties that derive from belonging to a community, starting with the duty of respect towards others”.

Valditara in New York: focus on AI, digitalization and innovation in education

“In primary school – continues Valditara – the synthetic judgments return, from excellent to insufficient, much more understandable than the previous levels, thus we improve communication with families and at the same time the effectiveness of the evaluation. The school remains the pivot of a education through which we can build a better society. We proudly continue the path of reform undertaken”. “With the reform of voting in conduct – concludes Valditara – the importance of individual responsibility is given centrality to respect for people. and towards public goods and authority is restored to teachers”.

The prof fascist hoax dismantled:

#responsible #students #Tempo
2024-09-28 19:23:11



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