Como, threatens the doctor to disfigure him with acid, destroys the clinic then holds a knife to his throat: 41-year-old arrested

The State Police arrested a 41-year-old from Mariano Comense with multiple criminal convictions for robbery, resistance and violence against a public official. The man was also reported in a state of freedom for the unjustified possession of weapons and aggravated threats towards healthcare personnel. .

It all started with the report by the health workers of the Sert of Como to the officers of the Sant’Anna Hospital Police Station, a recently reinforced service, who complained about the aggressive behavior of a user who wanted to obtain higher quantities of therapy. When he refused, he began destroying the furniture in the clinic, threatening a doctor with death and scarring his face with acid.

So yesterday, Friday 27 September, around 9.30 am, the 41-year-old from Mariana, a frequent user of the Sert in via Carso, showed up, approaching in his usual aggressive and threatening way, but also found the officers waiting for him. In fact, as soon as the police ordered him to show his documents, the man began to resist, first by shouting and threatening and then by pushing and kicking with extreme violence. The man’s violent reaction continued for a few minutes until he suddenly pulled a switchblade from his trouser pocket which he pointed to his throat and threatened to cut it.

At this point one of the officers, in compliance with the procedure, simply took his teaser out of its sheath, pointing it towards the man’s silhouette, telling him to drop the weapon to the ground. This was enough for the 41-year-old to give up his intentions and was taken to the police station. Once at the police station he was identified, bringing out all his criminal and police records for various crimes against the person, property and drug law.

In the moments in which the man was at the police station, a second police car intervened at a supermarket in via Magenta where a robbery had taken place in the morning. The security guard reported to the officers that he had caught a man of about 40 years old stealing goods from the shelves and when he passed the checkout without paying, he had verbally attacked him, clearly threatening him, and quickly made his way to the exit.

The detailed descriptions, the time of the commission of the crime and the photographic recognition to which the witness was subjected, allowed the police to ascertain that the 41-year-old from Mariana was also responsible for the robbery committed in the supermarket.

Therefore, having informed the prosecutor on duty of the events and the arrest, he ordered the man to be held in security rooms awaiting his trial, set for this morning at 11.00.


In reference to the arrest of a user made on Friday morning at the Sert in Como, Asst Lariana thanks the Como Police Headquarters for their collaboration and support. Following the report received from the management of the Dependencies structure and the staff working in via Carso, the Legal office, the Quality and Risk Management office in agreement with the socio-health management and the general management, the internal Supervisory service and the Fixed Police Station of the Sant’Anna hospital, agreed together on how to proceed and on Friday, in fact, the man was arrested. “The protection of safety and health in the workplace is a primary duty – underlines the general director of Asst Lariana, Luca Stucchi – What happened also confirms the importance of dialogue and collaboration between the institutions”.



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