ELSTAT: The average expenditure of households is close to 1,700 euros per month

This element emerges, among other things, from the Family Budget Survey of ELSTAT, also according to which:

-50% of households spend more than 1,315 euros per month.

-Households living in rented accommodation spend 16.8% of their budget, on average, on rent.

-The share of average expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages and housing of the households of the poorest 20% of the population amounts to 55.8% of household expenditure, while the corresponding share of the richest 20% of the population amounts to 24.8% .

-The highest average annual expenditure was recorded in the region of Attica and amounted to 23,325.96 euros, while the lowest in the region of Central Greece and amounted to 14,052.24 euros.

-The average annual expenditure of households in 2023 appears reduced by 20.5% compared to 2008.

-The risk of poverty threatens 18.7% of the country’s population, when the calculation of the index takes into account only the equivalent expenditure by way of acquiring the market (17.4% in 2022), while the index decreases to 13.8% of population (13.4% in 2022), when all consumer spending is taken into account, regardless of the mode of acquisition.

At the same time:

The largest share of the expenditure of the average household budget, in current prices, concerns:

-in foodstuffs and non-alcoholic beverages (20.7%),

-in housing (14.1%), and

-in transport (13.1%),

while the smallest share of expenditure (3.4%) corresponds to education and alcoholic beverages and tobacco.

The largest percentage increase in household spending, compared to the previous survey (2022), is shown in the groups:

-restaurants, cafes and hotels (15.9%),

-leisure and culture (7%),

-health (6.3%),

while the smallest percentage increase is recorded in alcoholic beverages and tobacco (0.9%).

As regards expenditure on food items and non-alcoholic beverages, in relation to the previous survey (2022), an increase in the average monthly expenditure (current prices) is observed in the following items: -oils and fats (11.9%),

-sugar, jams, honey, syrups, chocolate (9.8%)

-fruit (7.2%)

-vegetables (6.6%),

-dairy products and eggs (6.6%),

-mineral waters, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices (6.1%),

-other foodstuffs (6%),

-meat (3.3%),

-flour, bread, cereals (1.2%),

while a decrease in the average monthly expenditure (current prices) is observed in the following items:

-fish (3.9%) and

-coffee, tea and cocoa (1.2%).

Households living in rural areas spend an average of 1,386.73 euros per month, while those living in urban areas spend 1,769.24 euros. Therefore, households residing in rural areas spend, on average, 21.6% less than households residing in urban areas.

Households residing in the region of Attica spend, on average, 115.3% of the average monthly expenditure of the country’s households, while those residing in the region of Central Greece spend 69.5% of this.

In 2023, compared to 2022, households residing in the Peloponnese region increased their spending by an average of 13.6%, while those residing in the North Aegean region increased their spending by 12.6%. A decrease of 2.9% was observed in the region of Western Macedonia.

Regarding the changes in the average monthly consumption of foodstuffs, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, between 2022 and 2023, in all categories of the group of foodstuffs and alcoholic beverages, reductions are observed, as follows:

– olive oil 13.6%

-spirits 12.7%

-fish 11.8%

-rice 10.7%,

-cheese 6.1%

-meat 6.1%

-eggs 5.3%

-milk 5.2%

-pasta 5.2%

-bread, bakery items 4.3%

– fruit 4%

-vegetables 3.4%

-cigarette 2.5%

-yogurt 1.1%.

The average monthly amount of energy consumed in the main residence showed an increase in:

– LPG 11.7%

-natural gas 7.2%,

and reduction to:

-electricity 9.2%

-liquid fuels 4.2%

-solid fuels (firewood, pellets, core, etc.) 3.8%.

From the data of the survey it appears that the households have:

-Colour TV: 99.3%

-Mobile phone: 95.9%

– Landline: 87.1%

-Personal computer: 80.7%

-Passenger car, at least one: 69.3%

-Dishwasher: 38.5%

-Freezer: 34%

-Second home: 16.2%

-Closed parking: 13.4%,

and they use central heating (oil, natural gas, etc.) as the main source of heating at a rate of 57.8%.

An increase of 4.1 percentage points was recorded in the percentage of households owning a personal computer with internet access, while a decrease of 0.7 percentage points was recorded in the percentage of households owning at least one passenger car.

44.4% of households use three rooms, while 59.4% live in a residence with an area of ​​61 to 100 square meters (sq.m).

94.3% of households use an electric stove for cooking while 1% of households do not cook.

39.9% of households use oil radiators for heating and 17.9% natural gas, while 0.4% of households’ homes do not have heating.

75.8% of households use an air conditioning device (for cooling), while 19% of households’ homes do not have cooling.

The share of average equivalent expenditure (purchases, current prices) of the richest 20% of the population is 5.72 times greater than the share of average equivalent expenditure of the poorest 20% of the population (5.39 for 2022). The index drops to 4.49 when implicit spending (final consumption expenditure) is included in consumption expenditure – (4.21 for 2022).

Households in the poorest 20% of the population increased their spending compared to 2022 by 8.5%, while households in the richest 20% of the population increased by 15.7%.

The share of the average equivalent expenditure on food items of the households of the poorest 20% of the population amounts to 33.8% of household expenditure, while the corresponding share of the richest 20% of the population amounts to 13.5%.

The risk of poverty threatens 18.7% of the country’s population, when the calculation of the index only takes into account the equivalent expenditure by way of acquiring the market (17.4% in 2022), while the index decreases to 13.8% of the population (13.4% in 2022), when all consumption expenditure is taken into account, regardless of the method of acquisition (presumed rent from owner-occupied housing, self-produced goods, goods and services provided free of charge by the employer, other households, non-profit organizations, government, etc. etc.).

The average monthly equivalent expenditure of poor households is estimated at 31.9% of the expenditure of non-poor households. Poor households spend 33.8% of their average budget on food and non-alcoholic beverages, while non-poor households spend 19.6%.

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#ELSTAT #average #expenditure #households #close #euros #month



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