“Two-speed Italy”, here’s what awaits us –

These days of mild weather in many areas of Italy are helping to create expectations for October. Will it be a warmer month than usual? The Colonel’s team answers this question Mario Giuliacci according to which, to defend oneself from “weather hoaxes”, one must rely on data. Well, due to global warming in recent years, October has also seen “temperatures consistently above average, even for several weeks”. A trend that occurred in particular in 2018 and 2023, we read on the site MeteoGiuliacci. But what awaits us in the month that starts in a few days?

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The projections weather forecast long-term data from the European meteorological center ECMWF, the experts explain, suggest that “next month could be hotter and drier than the average in the Centre-South”. A circumstance that would aggravate the drought in these regions. The situation is different for the north, less affected by the effects of anticyclones and which risks being affected by even abundant rainfall. “Next month too, a ‘Italy at two speeds, with the North rich in precipitation and the South constantly affected by warm comebacks from the south,’ says Giuliacci’s team. In short, it will probably only be the central-southern regions that will have a hot and dry October.

#Twospeed #Italy #heres #awaits #Tempo
2024-09-28 14:42:14



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