More soldiers for Culiacán –

More soldiers for Culiacán –

CULIACÁN (El Universal).— One hundred more elements of special forces and paratroopers will join the two Army battalions that arrived last week to lay reaction cordons in urban and rural areas to inhibit and contain armed groups, announced the state governor, Rubén Rocha Moya.

In his traditional weekly conference, he announced that the new strategy is to maintain the presence of the Army, the National Guard and the State Police at strategic points to deter and prevent new acts of violence, both in the state capital and in rural towns.

He stated that there is no vacuum of authority, nor is the issue of security neglected, “proof of this is the number of actions that have been implemented, in which arrests have been made, weapons and vehicles seized,” he said.

The president asked the Secretary of Public Security of the State, Gerardo Mérida Sánchez, to give a report on the actions in which 32 people were detained and 89 vehicles and 145 firearms, and four grenades, were seized.

Over the weekend, a confrontation took place between federal and state forces in the urban development of Tres Ríos, where an eight-month-old girl was poisoned by tear gas and a doctor was injured by shrapnel. The minor has already been discharged and the doctor, who underwent surgery, is stable.

Yesterday, Governor Rocha Moya offered a press conference in which he explained the reasons why he did not attend a breakfast with the elected president, Claudia Sheinbaum, but also did not appear at the Morena Congress in which the new board, which will be headed by Luisa María Alcalde and Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, among others.

“I apologize president for not being at breakfast with you, I went to Mexico City and had to return to Sinaloa today. Situations arose that prompted my presence, things are improving here but I must be very attentive, with sensitivity and commitment, that is why I returned. Society is very sensitive. Excuse me. I just want to be better, to better serve your nation project. Affectionate hugs”, was the message that Rocha Moya sent via WhatsApp to the president-elect, whom by the way she has saved in her contacts as “Claudia Sheimaun”.

PRI complaint

After 15 days of the drug trafficking struggle, the state of Sinaloa has recorded 79 murders, 70 missing persons, the theft of 98 vehicles and losses of more than 5,000 million pesos, PRI senator Paloma Sánchez Ramos denounced yesterday Monday.

The legislator regretted the events that have occurred since last September 9, when the fracture within the Sinaloa Cartel, due to the capture of one of its founders, Ismael “el Mayo” Zambada, permeated with violence in the state.

In a statement, the senator described as “unacceptable” the “indolence and inability” of the authorities to guarantee peace and tranquility to the population. In addition, he considered that Sinaloa is immersed in a climate of uncertainty, fear and insecurity, which have also affected economic activity.

#soldiers #Culiacán #Diario #Yucatán
2024-09-28 14:19:14



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