MM Forum: quick way to transfer data, iOS 18 performance and more!

2024-09-28 12:00:00

Weekly, our moderator Marcelo Melo select five topics that are happening in the MM Forum to be highlighted here.

Topics are chosen according to our common sense, the number of responses, the topicality of the subject and/or how useful they can be for the general public.

Let’s go to this week’s links?

What is the fastest way to transfer data?__ayrton10Question about risks when purchasing a used Macbook without a note on Mercado Livreprovezano4IOS 18 reduced the performance of iPhones!!!Adriano Ricardo Oliveira3Renew Apple Care+ for a monthly modality for a device purchased usedPedroNovak3Is MBP 16″ 2019 still worth it? GeekSauro1
Topic Author Answers

Happy discussions, guys! 😉

#Forum #quick #transfer #data #iOS #performance



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