Louise Johansson was subjected to psychological violence by her partner

Tells for the first time: “Was so terribly broken down” • That’s how she got out of it

In “Kokkarna kamp”, Louise Johansson is next in line to host the evening. Then she talks for the first time about the time when she was stuck in a destructive relationship.

– It all started when I met a guy, we had great fun and he was incredibly generous. Very charming, says Louise in the program.

– I fell in love right away and it happened very quickly.

She moved in with him and then it took three months before he became very controlling.

– What I had to endure was above all psychological violence and it was terribly horrible, she says.

“It just got worse and worse and worse”

Louise tells how he kept her awake at night when she had to get up early for work, and that she was not allowed to call her parents when she wanted to.

– Psychological violence does a lot to you. That’s what really hurts the soul, says Louise.

– So much happened during that time – I changed my clothing style, he took my money, he destroyed my furniture. It just got worse and worse and worse, she continues.

Louise was extremely tired, exhausted, scared, had a lot of anxiety and lost confidence in herself.

– It is completely indescribable how bad I felt during this time, says Louise.

– But why don’t you leave such a person? It’s about the fact that I was so terribly broken down, she continues.

Also about being showered with love, only to be told that you are completely worthless.

– That’s what makes you completely brainwashed.

Then she left

Finally she left him. She was with her parents, a place where she knew she was safe.

– Then he gets in touch and sends maybe 50 text messages asking where I am. He tells me that in order for me to understand something, he needs to be mean to me. Then I felt no, but now it’s good, says Louise.

– Somehow I really woke up. Now that’s enough. Now it’s over. I’m so fucking done.

After that, she received support and help from a women’s shelter.

Fact: You can turn here

The women’s peace line 020-505050

The women’s peace line is open 24 hours a day for those who have been subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence. It is run by the National Center for Women’s Freedom (NCK) at Uppsala University and the Academic Hospital on behalf of the government.

Roks, the national organization for women’s emergency services and girls’ emergency services in Sweden, has a large number of emergency services all over the country that can be found at: https://www.roks.se/hittaenjour

Unizon is the national association for over 140 women’s emergency services, girls’ emergency services and youth emergency services. Contact details for their on-call services all over the country can be found on the website: https://www.unizonjourer.se/hitta-stod/

In case of emergency, call 112.

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