MCM values ​​support from Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Paraguay and Uruguay

María Corina Machado thanked the support of Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Paraguay and Uruguay, whose governments condemned, in a joint statement, “the harassment and systematic persecution against leaders and supporters of the opposition” in Venezuela, ahead of the presidential elections. on July 28.

«We Venezuelans greatly value this testimony from neighboring countries that accompany us in decisive hours for Venezuela and the region.«, expressed the former deputy on the social network X.

In his opinion, these five Latin American countries established «“a very clear and firm position just nine days before the presidential election”in which ten candidates will compete, including Nicolás Maduro and Edmundo González Urrutia, whom Machado supports.

«They understand, like the other democratic governments in the hemisphere, that we have a unique and real opportunity to advance a peaceful transition to democracy«added the opposition leader.

Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Paraguay and Uruguay denounced the “arbitrary detention” of numerous figures related to the opposition, describing these acts as “a direct violation of fundamental rights and International Law«.

Likewise, they demanded the immediate cessation “of harassment, persecution and repression» against political and social activists, as well as «the release of all political prisoners».

The joint statement also urges the Maduro Government to comply with its international obligations, particularly with regard to the issuance of safe conduct for the six opponents linked to the PUD who have been asylum, since March 26, in the official residence of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas.

The PUD, opposition leaders and several NGOs have denounced, during the development of the electoral campaign – which began on July 4 – dozens of “arbitrary” arrests, as well as multiple “obstacles” on roads, closure of businesses that served González Urrutia or Machado and retention of work teams.

As of Wednesday, according to the PUD, security officials detained 72 people since July 4, of whom more than 20 remain imprisoned.

#MCM #values #support #Argentina #Costa #Rica #Guatemala #Paraguay #Uruguay
2024-09-28 11:20:26



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