“The desire to volunteer in Gaza and the refusal to work on the sidelines” brings criticism towards doctors

The announcement by a group of doctors and health professionals, during the stand organized by the “Doctors for Palestine” coordination last weekend in front of Parliament, of their willingness to volunteer in Gaza in order to provide their health and humanitarian services to its residents suffering under the Israeli bombing, sparked great controversy on social networking sites between Mubarak and For this announcement, there was a critic of the willingness of doctors to travel to volunteer in Palestine.

Some social media users accused the doctors of “bidding” by volunteering in the Gaza Strip, criticizing their willingness to work outside the country. While they continue to refuse to work in remote areas of Morocco because of “their distance from the center and clinics,” said one critic who emphasizes the priority of volunteering in these areas that have recently witnessed torrential torrents and floods, causing material and human losses, such as the Tata region.

Commenting on this, Abu Bakr Angir, President of the Amazigh League for Human Rights, said, “Such demands raised by a group of Moroccan doctors are intended as a media show and to go along with the slogans that are chanted in the media channels, especially the Eastern ones.”

The aforementioned human rights activist added, in a statement to the electronic newspaper Hespress, that “human solidarity is required and a noble matter; However, when you see thousands of Moroccan villages deprived of health services and see a group of medical personnel refusing to work in remote areas, we are surprised that some people volunteer outside the country while these others refuse to work for the benefit of the oppressed and miserable Moroccan citizens whose conditions are not covered by the international media.”

The same declarant explained that “these calls are similar to those who perform Hajj many times for the sake of Paradise and reward, and that their neighbors and even their families are in poor living conditions and in dire need of assistance,” stressing at the same time that “the calls of some doctors to volunteer outside the country indicate great alienation and severe alienation in terms of “The country and the people of Morocco are entitled to their services and assistance.”

The head of the Amazigh League for Human Rights stated that “the medical profession is one of the noble and noble professions essential in society, and Moroccan doctors have always been an example of sacrifice and loyalty to human values.” But groups have infiltrated this profession, like others, who have violated the Hippocratic Oath and have become indifferent to the interests of the nation or its poor, especially in the rural world.

In this regard, Unger continued: “Between a group that has enriched itself at the expense of the pockets of patients in private clinics and another group that wants to go to Gaza and Beirut and refuses to provide services to poor, deprived Moroccan citizens, medicine is lost and some doctors are accused of discrimination in providing medical assistance at the expense of ideology and religious and political affiliations.” Outside of ethical controls and decisions.”

This is a statement that is completely rejected by Professor Ahmed Balhous, the national coordinator of the Moroccan “Doctors for Palestine” coordination, who said that “the name of the coordination indicates its goals of holding solidarity activities with Palestine; This does not mean in any way that its members are not involved in health and medical associations that have provided a range of health and humanitarian services to a number of remote areas in Morocco.”

Balhous added that “organizing a medical convoy to the areas affected by the recent floods first requires some administrative procedures,” stressing at the same time that “all the male and female doctors who participated in last Sunday’s protest are fully prepared to offer their services and intervene in these areas,” pointing out that “ All the human capabilities of the Moroccan coordination of Doctors for Palestine are at our disposal to mitigate the severity of these disasters and crises, especially in the health aspect.”

The same spokesman stressed that “the stand organized by the coordination does not mean at all a lack of concern for remote areas or the disasters that befall them; We are ready to go to any region and district in Morocco, and we participated with all responsibility in health and medical support during the Al Haouz earthquake disaster and all the affected areas,” he explained, explaining that “an important number of coordination members are also active members in a number of associations that provided health services in a number of regions.” Moroccan.”

The national coordinator of the Moroccan coordination “Doctors for Palestine” confirmed that “the goal of the coordination is clear; Therefore, matters must not be mixed up, and coordination cannot be asked of more than the goals for which it was established or assume the role of the government, as taking care of these victims must take place on many levels and aspects, not just the health aspect.”



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