Global Innovation Index 2024.. Switzerland is first in the world. Who ranked first in the Arab world?

Thus, Switzerland has occupied the index for the fourteenth time in a row, according to the report of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) issued yesterday.

The index is calculated as an average of two indicators. The innovative inputs sub-index measures the elements of the economy that enable and facilitate innovative activities in 5 points, while the innovative outputs index measures the actual results of innovative activities in the economy.

Below is a list of the top 5 countries in the Global Innovation Index 2024:

Below is a ranking of the most innovative Arab countries:

Russia is ranked 59th globally in the innovation index, and experts question the objectivity of this “unfair classification”

Russia declined in the current year 2024 in the Global Innovation Index and ranked 59th in the classification, which includes 133 countries. Although Russia has made leaps in the field of technology and innovation in recent years, it has not been classified in an advanced position.

Experts from the Institute of Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the Higher School of Economics believe that Russia’s classification does not correspond to reality, as Russia is witnessing rapid growth in innovations, confirmed by data from “Rosstat” (the Russian Statistical Authority).

The head of the innovation research department at the institute, Valeria Vlasova, points out that the data used in the classification plays a decisive role, and in the case of Russia, the data for 18 indicators out of 78 date back to before 2021, while there is no data for 3 indicators, so it is difficult to make an objective assessment of Russia’s position in This classification.

Source: RT

#Global #Innovation #Index #Switzerland #world #ranked #Arab #world
2024-09-28 09:40:12



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