More than a quarter of accidents in Lithuania occur due to collisions with animals

According to the initial data of the Traffic Accident Information System, more than 4.7 thousand were recorded this year. collisions with animals – this is 26 percent. of all traffic accidents.

In 24 car-animal collisions, people were injured – one person was killed and 28 people were injured. In five such traffic accidents, two people were injured each.

During the same period last year, according to the Traffic Accident Information System, almost 3.5 thousand were recorded. collisions with animals (19 percent of all traffic accidents). Among them, 27 events were counted. A total of 37 people were injured. Three and two people were injured in seven traffic accidents.

As the Lithuanian Road Police Service states in the report, collisions with animals have been increasing since 2017.

Their number has almost doubled in six years – from 2 thousand. 422 cases in 2017, up to 4 thousand. 931 cases per year in 2022.

In the last four years, about 5,000 people have run over or encountered an animal on the road. drivers.

In Lithuania, the preventive measure “Attention to the road” started on Monday – through it, 2 thousand will be distributed to drivers. whistles warning of encounters with wild animals. The promotion takes place in 15 cities.

Lithuanian police statistics show that the most dangerous months in autumn are October, November and December, and in spring – May.

#quarter #accidents #Lithuania #occur #due #collisions #animals
2024-09-28 09:38:11



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