B2C e-commerce and B2B e-commerce: what are the differences?

2024-09-28 06:00:57

The customer

B2C (Business-to-Consumer) e-commerce focuses on selling products or services directly to end consumers. This is the e-commerce experience we are all familiar with, where businesses sell products directly to the consumer.

B2B (Business-to-Business) e-commerce, for its part, focuses on transactions between businesses. It is commonly used for purchasing raw materials, equipment, spare parts, services, or other products needed to operate a business.

The catalog

In B2C, the catalog is unique. Product promotion on the e-commerce site may depend on individual consumer preferences, with product recommendations based on their purchasing behavior.

In B2B, the product catalog varies depending on the company. Company A will not have the same catalog as company B. This catalog depends on the type of business, nature of products, order size, purchasing process, sales channel and customization specific to each business.

The price

In B2C e-commerce, prices are fixed and identical for each customer. The focus is often on simple transactions with posted prices and promotions.

In B2B, prices are not the same depending on the company, rates depend on purchasing and packaging volume, contractual agreements, personalized quotes and long-term relationships.

B2B purchasing decisions are generally more complex, often involving multiple levels of decision makers within the client company. B2B transactions typically involve longer processes and more frequent negotiation due to large volumes and long-term business relationships.

The order form

The differences between B2B and B2C order forms in e-commerce can be significant due to the distinct characteristics of the two business models.

In B2C, order forms are generally simpler and designed for individual purchases. They often include basic fields such as shipping address, payment details and contact information. They are usually fixed and designed for quick purchases without complex price negotiations. The integration can focus on payment systems, delivery gateways, and other aspects related to customer satisfaction.

In B2B, transactions may involve bulk orders with multiple items, customization options, long-term contracts, etc. B2B order forms are often more detailed and may include specific fields related to business information, account numbers, order references, etc. They may include sections for price negotiation, discounts based on purchase volume, special payment terms, etc.

Les workflows de validation

In B2C, there are no validation workflows whereas in B2B, the validation workflows can be different depending on the company. They vary by business model due to differences in purchasing processes, customer needs and specific business requirements. It is common for one person to select the products, then request a quote and for several people to then intervene to negotiate the order and validate it.


B2C consumers use common payment methods like credit cards, PayPal or online bank transfers.

In B2B, it is common to carry out checks on the financial capacity of companies before authorizing transactions. Payment terms may vary depending on financial risk assessment. B2B transactions may also involve payment methods such as ERPs, letters of credit, installment payments or trade lines of credit.

B2B e-commerce is therefore different from B2C e-commerce. B2B is not B2C retail. You should therefore not design a B2B e-commerce site on a B2C platform, because B2B buyers demand an optimal purchasing experience and functionalities that do not exist in the B2C approach.

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