Modern Agriculture in Indonesia Innovation, Efficiency and the Future of Food on National Farmers Day

Illustration – Modern agriculture in Indonesia adopts the latest technology and innovation to increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. (Antara)

Modern AGRICULTURE is the application of the latest technology and innovation in the agricultural sector, including machinery, pest and disease control, as well as harvest and post-harvest processes. What differentiates modern agriculture from traditional agriculture is the care and cultivation methods.

In Indonesia, agricultural technology continues to develop rapidly, allowing local agriculture to compete with other countries. Modern agriculture that is being implemented today has a significant impact on farmers and livestock breeders, encouraging them to utilize innovation in their work.

There are several aspects that can be assessed from modern agriculture. Supporting factors include skilled human resources (HR), high-quality seeds, quality agricultural, fishery and livestock products, as well as high-tech mechanization.

However, the number of young farmers in our country is decreasing, which is a major challenge to achieving the desired modern agriculture. The main cause of the decline in interest of young farmers is uncertainty in farming, as well as the stigma that working as a farmer is considered less clean.

The government’s role in advancing modern agriculture in Indonesia began dozens of years ago. Agriculture is increasingly needed and is becoming the face of this country, but progress is still relatively slow. In comparison, agriculture in Japan has been proven to have excellent quality and product quality, with clear consumer needs and stable prices, which reflects modern agriculture.

Some examples of modern agricultural development include:

Also read: Let’s Get to Know the Concept of Sustainable Agriculture

  • Hydroponics
  • Integrated organic farming
  • Horticultural farming

Planting crops and cultivating fish are important pillars in modern agriculture, where most processes use machines and robots.

This progress is based on thinking that follows natural concepts, such as in the practice of hydroponics.

Basic Concepts of Modern Agriculture


Hydroponics has recently become increasingly popular in Indonesia, although the basic concept of this method has actually been known for a long time. Initially, hydroponics was used by scientists to research plants in water media. Today, modern hydroponic farming has become an inseparable part of agricultural practices.

Also read: Organic Agriculture: Principles, Benefits and Great Potential for Indonesia’s Food Security

Even though humans cannot create technology that exceeds the limits set by God, we can still try and develop various innovations. The application of modern agriculture is now increasingly relevant to use as a source of livelihood. Even though agricultural needs are increasing, the application of modern agriculture is not always in line with this increase.

Why is Modern Agriculture Important?

Food availability in our country is something that cannot be separated, because humans are very dependent on food. If food availability is not maintained, people will face the threat of starvation. Modern agriculture can help solve this problem quickly; for example, limited land can produce large quantities of products in a relatively short time.

Features of Modern Agriculture:

  • Making the impossible possible.
  • Creating ease in farming.
  • Produces abundant harvests.
  • Saves time in the cultivation process.
  • Providing a positive and innovative impact on society.

Agriculture is often considered a conventional job, but modern agriculture is more integrated with work time management, similar to work in the office sector. Thus, modern agriculture is an important element in facing the challenges that exist in the world of agriculture and must be accompanied by innovation that continues to develop. (agriculture/dinperdenganngan.demakkab/Z-3)

#Modern #Agriculture #Indonesia #Innovation #Efficiency #Future #Food #National #Farmers #Day



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