SYRIZA was attacked in PASOK – Fierce against Androulakis – Douka for underground war on social media 2024-09-28 02:46:20

“Let’s not look for a lifeline in an artificial polarization” replied the Androulakis staff, while the Pavlos Geroulanosnoting, among other things: “Artificial tensions that concern no one do not help at all.”

It all started with yesterday’s post by Haris Doukas on social media, in which he literally said: “The glass has overflowed. For a very long time, close associates of Nikos Androulakis have been attacking me with the rhetoric of the right and the extreme right. I understand that I was disturbed, especially after the debate, because I responded to all the attacks I received and submitted specific program proposals.

Their attack has since turned into an extreme contract of character assassination. They have gone so far as to reproduce exactly the mud that Maximos feeds at my expense. The poison must stop, here and now, because it undermines the necessary unity of PASOK. Nikos Androulakis must take a stand, otherwise he will be jointly responsible. As far as I am concerned, I will continue my struggle together with the progressive and democratic citizens for the prospect of victory for PASOK and the democratic faction, without resorting to similar tactics, as I have done until today.”

The Androulakis staff was surprised, as the previous evening, Mr. Doukas was speaking to Korydallos and while he was particularly aggressive against the PASOK president – as in all his pre-election contacts with the citizens – he did not refer to anything mentioned in the post of him on social media.

However, they decided to “raise the gauntlet”, on the one hand rejecting the attacks against Mr. Doukas and on the other hand answering “let’s not look for a lifeline in an artificial polarization”. They believe that the action of Mr. Doukas has to do with his negative performance in the debate and his attempt to be forgotten by public opinion, moving the agenda one by one. “No close associate of Mr. Androulakis has succeeded in an inappropriate manner against any candidate. It would be good for all of us, without exception, to guard a process that everyone recognizes is evolving into a climate of political culture. Let’s not look for a lifeline in an artificial polarization” was the entire response of Mr. Androulakis’ staff, while Mr. Geroulanos also intervened, noting: “PASOK came out strengthened from the debate because we proved that we can talk, despite our disagreements , in an orderly and civilized manner. No one has the right to undermine what we have achieved. Artificial tensions that concern no one do not help at all. Seriousness and a sense of unity is required from all. In practice. Not in words.”

Soon the confrontation moved to social media and is still going on. Supporters of Nikos Androulakis openly accuse the mayor of Athens and his staff of allegedly reporting attacks when dozens of internet trolls who claim to be his supporters systematically attack the president of PASOK and the other candidates.


Defeat Duke at debate

Two measurements that saw the light of day yesterday, conveyed the pulse of public opinion in relation to the PASOK debate and generally confirmed the not good image of Mr. Doukas.

In Prorata’s measurement on the question “which candidate showed that he has better leadership skills”, A. Diamantopoulou collected 26%, N. Androulakis 25%, X. Doukas 18%, P. Geroulanos 17%, M. Katrinis 10 % and N. Giannakopoulou 2%, while in the question “which candidate do you think had difficulty staying cool” N. Giannakopoulou leads with 31%, followed by X. Doukas with 30%, Nikos Androulakis with 22%, A. Diamantopoulou with 9%, P. Geroulanos with 3% and M. Katrinis with 2%.

The most authentic

In the question “which candidate seemed more authentic and honest in his answers”, P. Geroulanos took the lead with 30%, followed by N. Androulakis with 24%, X. Doukas with 17%, A. Diamantopoulou with 14%, M. Katrinis with 8% and N. Giannakopoulou with 6% and in the question “which candidate had the clearest plan for the party’s strategy in the next elections” Nikos Androulakis led with 28%, followed by Anna Diamantopoulou with 21% , P. Geroulanos with 20%, X. Doukas with 18%, M. Katrinis with 8% and N. Giannakopoulou with 2%. Finally, in the question “which candidate proposed the most innovative and fresh ideas”, Haris Doukas and Pavlos Geroulanos were in first place together with 25%, followed by A. Diamantopoulou with 23%, N. Androulakis with 14%, N Giannakopoulou with 3% and M. Katrinis with 3%.

#SYRIZA #attacked #PASOK #Fierce #Androulakis #Douka #underground #war #social #media



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