Teachers asked for the release of minors detained before the start of the school year

  • The educators expressed in a statement that it is not possible to educate in an environment of persecution and fear

Several organizations of educators in Venezuela asked the authorities to release the minors who were detained in the context of the post-election political crisis, before the start of the school year, scheduled for September 30.

“It is not possible to educate young students, their teachers and citizens in an environment of fear, terror and persecution. A climate of respect for constitutional rights and guarantees is required,” expressed the educators, grouped in 27 organizations that signed a document released by the non-governmental organization (NGO) Provea on September 27.

They stressed that it is necessary to guarantee “a space of tranquility” in the classrooms so that “the teaching and learning process is efficient and effective,” something that they consider to be compromised while 68 adolescents are kept deprived of liberty, according to the records of the NGO Penal Forum.

“The 2024-2025 school year is going to begin in a new political context for everyone: we are victims of arbitrariness and transgression of human rights,” insisted the teachers, who repudiated “the repression” of the State against citizens who reject the official result. of the elections, also questioned by many countries.

Educators demand freedom for all students

The teachers believe that it is necessary to “save” education and demand “freedom for all minors who are imprisoned”, to whom are added six students and a professor from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) who are part of the 2,400 detainees from the post-election crisis, some of them arrested in protests.

“As educators, we have the duty to oppose the attempt to convert education into an instrument of social and political control by the State-Government. We call on teachers to promote critical thinking, plurality of ideas, respect and defense of human rights,” the letter adds.

Photo: EFE

Relatives asked the Prosecutor’s Office to review their cases

On September 26, a group of relatives of detainees in Venezuela asked the Prosecutor’s Office to review the cases of eight minors arrested in the context of the post-election protests, since, according to those close to them, “they are innocent and are being unjustly criminalized.”

Through a document delivered to the Prosecutor’s Office in Caracas, seven captured adults are also included, who, along with minors, are accused of “serious crimes” such as “terrorism and instigation of hatred”, which – the document states – is “absurd and premature”, since “these accusations were made” before an “adequate and objective investigation” had been carried out.

Likewise, the relatives expressed their deep concern about the criminal process that “is being carried out against the adolescents”, while denouncing that “they have not been able to appoint a defender they trust.”

After the presidential elections of July 28, the largest opposition coalition denounced the result of the elections announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) y ratified by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), which declared Nicolás Maduro the winner.

The situation triggered protests in which authorities recorded 25 deaths and arrested more than 2,400 people, whom the Prosecutor’s Office accuses of committing various crimes.

With information from EFE

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2024-09-28 01:52:13



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