Several hundred thousand Norwegian cars will lose their emergency system when the 2G network disappears until next year

Several hundred thousand Norwegian cars will lose their emergency system when the 2G network disappears until next year

– 700,000 Norwegian cars will be affected, in addition to all foreign vehicles that are in Norway at any given time. A shutdown will mean that lives will be lost, says Harald Jachwitz Andersen, director of the National Association of Vehicle Transporters (Car).

Since 2018, eCall has been mandatory in all new cars.

– We therefore believe it is very premature and unwise to switch off the 2G networks in just over a year, he says.

The system works so that the car is automatically connected to the alarm center in the event of an accident.

The National Communications Authority (Nkom) informs that they have been in dialogue with several actors to assess the consequences of the phasing out of the 2G network, including the car industry and municipalities.

Section manager Inger Vollstad emphasizes that it is not up to Nkom to decide whether 2G should be phased out or not.

– We expect that the industry is aware of its responsibility, and that they consider the consequences of turning off the 2G network broadly, including not least for socially important applications, she says.

However, Vollstad believes that the consequences will not be as dramatic as the National Association of Bilim Porters suggests:

– A report from DSB from 2024 shows that eCall has less significance for the efficient handling of accident incidents than one might expect, she says.

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2024-09-27 23:36:21



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