Hells Angels trial: Last witness testified for main defendant

His defense attorney Philipp Wolm saw the woman’s statements as a “flawless alibi.” The verdicts are expected in the late afternoon. The three defendants, aged 31, 38 and 50, are accused of a variety of criminal offenses. The incriminated allegations range from protection rackets and physical injuries to dangerous threats and coercion. A central charge concerns a dance hall in the Innviertel, which may have been the victim of protection rackets in the past.

On September 17, 2023, the restaurant was again visited by suspected criminals. According to the prosecution, local guests, the manager and the DJ were visited and beaten up by members of the Hells Angels from Austria and a group from Germany because they did not want to sell drugs there.

“Was in the thermal baths with my lover”

All three defendants – others involved have not yet been identified – claim that they were not involved in these events. The 38-year-old main defendant – he makes his living as a gangsta rapper – claims that he was not at the crime scene, but was in a thermal spa with a lover, which can be proven with photos.

The 31-year-old took two selfies with her smartphone for her social media appearances, each showing her arm in arm with the 38-year-old in the thermal hotel. One was taken at 3:19 p.m., the other at 1:37 a.m. In between, they were only in the hotel room and occasionally in the Hells Angels club, but never in the attacked dance hall, assured the 31-year-old, who made her witness appearance in a long, flowing leopard-skin coat, a matching headscarf and impressive boots.

She had paid 383.90 euros for the night in the thermal spa hotel, although – as is clear – the thermal spa infrastructure was not used. “We were just chilling in the room. It didn’t even happen that we went swimming in the thermal baths,” said the witness. When asked why she had booked a thermal spa hotel, the 31-year-old remarked: “Basically it was just about staying overnight.” After checking in, we “chilled” for a few hours, then attended a birthday party in the club and returned to the hotel after midnight. The 38-year-old never left the room: “We chatted all night long. Until 5 a.m. Then we fell asleep.”

Witness claims to have recognized tattoos on her head

However, on a previous day of the trial, two witnesses had stated truthfully that they had seen the 38-year-old in the Hells Angels outfit in the dance hall when a fight broke out there. A guest was sure that he had been addressed by him with the words “Hoit die Papp’n”, an employee was convinced that she had met the 38-year-old in the women’s toilet, basing her information on the man’s striking tattoos in the room Head and facial area supported.

“That’s impossible,” remarked the defense witness when she was confronted with these statements, “that can’t be true.” She was at the main defendant’s side the entire time and was not at the disco with him: “That’s a fact, that’s proven.”



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