The messages of the Mitsotakis speech 2024-09-27 16:45:12

The Prime Minister’s speech from the podium of the United Nations in the context of the 79th Synod, but also in general the presence of the Greek delegation in the meetings held on the margins of the Synod gave two concrete resounding messages, that Greece is a stabilizing factor in its geographical area, one reliable country that seeks peace and security… And the second message that was given, the dialogue between the states, especially between those that have differences of a national dimension, does not mean consent, does not mean violating the “red lines” …

of Dr. Anna Konstantinidou*

After all, the dialogue in the context of diplomacy is a tradition of the cultural imprint of Greece, as we must not forget the messengers, sent by either side of the warring parties either during the Trojan War or during the Median Wars or during the Peloponnesian War …

The Greek prime minister overemphasized among the representatives of the peoples and nations the way Greece moves and intends to move in its foreign policy… After all, as we mentioned above, the history of our State is too “heavy” for a Government to deviate from the its tradition, as Law, Law and Diplomacy were expressed for the first time by the Greek city-states…

Kyriakos Mitsotakis spoke emphatically about our two main differences with Turkey, responding among others to Erdoğan’s review speech, about the EEZ/coastal shelf and Cyprus… At the same time, the Greek Prime Minister not forgetting our Balkan position, with a very smart “move “, referring to the Balkan Treaties, made our footprint felt for the role we seek in the Western Balkans, coming forward not only for our purely national issues with Albania and Skopje, but also for national issues of the Balkan countries with the main one being relations Serbia-Kosovo….

And while the Prime Minister’s speech was excellent at the “technical” level of Diplomacy, keeping a balance between states and on the open war fronts, however, I do not know how tentative at the given moment, it is not to emphasize emphatically that the war in Israel is based on a terrorist attack against him a year ago…

Personally, as a citizen of the World, I believe that no Western State has given due importance, that the country of David did not suddenly start fighting, but was even hit with a hybrid blow by an organization, which nevertheless carries the main political presence in Gaza, which, among others, in a coup d’état in 2008 overthrew the legal status of an Authority (the Palestinian Authority) that has observer status in the United Nations…

I expected, apart from the obvious, that the Greek prime minister would focus more on this element, terrorism, since, among other things, his speech from the United Nations podium coincided with a milestone date for his family, the 35th anniversary of the assassination of Pavlos Bakoyannis from the November 17th terrorist organization… Terrorism can be based on Political Science in two main forms, the political and the nationalist, however both the results and the aspects of these two forms are directly intertwined and dependent…

Gaza is not a territory, like Ukraine. Southern Lebanon is not a region like Cyprus, where both on Ukrainian and Cypriot territory we have an invasion of a country on the territory of a state with the aim of overthrowing sovereignty…. Gaza and southern Lebanon for two (almost) decades have been ruled by terrorism, Hamas and Hezbollah, respectively… There was no abdication of territorial sovereignty by the Israeli Army, but instead a State, in this case Israel is defending itself for security of its citizens (which should be noted, that not only Jews in religion are not only Jews in origin)…

And the humanitarian crisis that is “produced” by a war event must first and foremost be settled, as it bears upon them, by the Organs of the International Community that had the ways and means to stop the bloodshed from the first month of the war, if of course on the one hand they were intent on ending the war conflicts on the other hand they unflinchingly saw the real and only aggressor, which is Islamic terrorism through its organized groups.

In closing, I use and stick to one of the phrases of the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Giorgos Gerapetritis, in the interview he gave to Greek correspondents after the end of the Greek Prime Minister’s speech: “Greece is a pillar of stability. It’s time for the country’s participation in the UN Security Council to take responsibility”… As a Greek woman, I expect and am sure that our country will be seen as worthy of the expectations they have of us, partners and allies.

#messages #Mitsotakis #speech



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