The private businessman was responsible for the ambulance in Herodion

“The private person is the one who has all the service of the performance”, said the Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni, with her intervention on ANT1, regarding the absence of an ambulance at the Herodion for private performances.

“The Ministry of Culture has the obligation and has at the Acropolis – apart from the Erythrostavrite volunteers – all the operating hours of the archaeological site, including the Herodeion, which can be visited from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and nurses and doctors and hospital, ambulance.

This, because the state has the absolute responsibility of operating the archaeological sites, when they are operating. Now, in Herodion, we have the Hellenic Festival which is a supervised organization of the YPPO, and when it has its own shows, its own productions or those it has included in its program, it takes care and has a similar service – with doctors, nurses and by ambulance – and is in direct collaboration with EKAV.

From then on, Herodion, like all the monuments of our country, obviously belong to the state. The Herodion, however, is granted by the state to private individuals for their own private events”, emphasized the Minister of Culture, adding that “private individuals should also take their responsibilities”.

“The Ministry of the Interior offers medical services at the archaeological sites. It’s not just the Acropolis. There are also the other places, Delphi, Lindos, Knossos… The medical services are paid for by the Ministry of Culture, by the Organization for the Management and Development of Cultural Resources, with completely transparent procedures, precisely to serve the people who honor us and come in our country. We do not burden EKAB at all, because all Greek citizens have the right of access to EKAB”, emphasized L. Mendoni.

Finally, the minister gave “millions of wishes to Marinella”. “We all love her and wish her a speedy recovery,” he said.

Tolls: Prices are reduced in the section Maliakos – Key (tables)

Weather: Summer weekend – It will top 30C

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