Nurses assaulted after “refusing” penis examination

Image: W.M.A
Ibrahim Al-Hafizon from SettatFriday, September 27, 2024 – 12:42

The regional office of the National Union of Public Health in Berrechid, a member of the Democratic Federation of Labor, denounced what it described as “the barbaric attack on health personnel working in the second-level health center in the city of Sidi Rahal Al-Shati.”

According to the aforementioned regional office statement obtained by Hespress, the facts of the events are due to a barbaric and brutal attack on nurses and midwives by a person who has been visiting the health center in Sidi Rahal for days without a reasonable health reason, and he did not show signs of illness, before he entered the hall. Treatment: One of the nurses is asked to examine his reproductive system. However, she refused his request, which prompted him to quickly leave and take another person who appeared to be loitering to the health facility.

The statement added that the suspects broke everything they found in front of them, in a hysterical state, such as chairs, desks, and other equipment, in addition to insulting and insulting the nurses and physically assaulting them, as one of them was pulled by her hair and dragged outside; While a second nurse suffered a broken hand and bruises to her spine. As a result, they were transferred to the hospital in Casablanca, and they obtained medical evidence proving the impact of the assault and the duration of their disability.

Through its statement, the union body called for the maximum penalties to be imposed on the suspect, as well as the urgent intervention of health sector officials in the region and region in order to provide working and security conditions within health institutions and appoint private security personnel. To ensure the safety of health personnel first, then the safety of public facility property and equipment second.

The union itself threatened to organize all forms and formulas of struggle, in defense of health care facilities in all their categories.

In the same context, an official source from the health delegation in Berrechid, who preferred not to reveal his identity, explained in a statement to Hespress that the legal procedures in such cases are clear, expressing his regret for the attacks on health personnel who are dedicated to providing the duty of services to citizens, adding that the ruler The legal process took its natural course, as reports were submitted to the competent authorities, with support for the victims.

The spokesman added that the role of the interests of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, whether a regional or regional delegation or central interests, ends when the file reaches the judiciary, which has full authority to make the appropriate decision, recalling the right of the aggrieved complainant to waive his demands; While the damage to public facility equipment cannot be waived, within the framework of legal deterrence and taking lessons to avoid the recurrence of such attacks.

Health attack Sidi Rahal



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