“Salaries in the black and unpaid taxes on the Marrakech villa” –

Pandora’s box of the Agnelli legacy is broken. The Turin investigating judge who ordered the preventive seizure of 74.8 million euros against the Ekann brothers – John, Ginevra and Lapo accused of “tax fraud and fraud against the State” – as well as against other figures, placed in black and white the “fraudulent strategy” which “has been implemented and refined for over a decade through the preparation of a whole series of stratagems and precautions aimed at making a reality appear to the outsider that is different from the actual one, as well as through the creation of trusts based in tax havens and the use of foreign bank accounts, also rooted in countries with preferential taxation”.

The lawyers' additions to Marella's book on the chalet in Switzerland appear

Everything revolves around the actual residence of Marella Caracciolo, the wife of the lawyer, Gianni Agnelli. Also Marella’s book, “I grow my garden”; it would have been used by family members to validate a “fictitious” residence abroad. Not only that. From the documents it emerges that the Elkann brothers “would not have paid the inheritance tax even on the company shares of the Luxembourg Juky Sa, owner of the splendid villa ‘Ain Kassimou’ in Marrakech, bought in 2003 by Marella Caracciolo and where she used to winter”, writes the Messenger. It is the building where paintings and jewels were kept. of “lady Fiat”. The three beneficiary grandchildren, it emerges from the Finance investigations, would have received as an inheritance the credit claimed by their grandmother from the company that takes its name from the beloved Akita dog, approximately 15 million euros “for which they have not submitted the succession declaration in Italy”.

Repubblica rises against Elkann. “Serious interference”, there is a strike: you are not the boss

In recent days, the lawyers of the Elkann brothers have stated that the seizure ordered by the Turin magistrates “is unjustified: the Elkann brothers have always paid their tax obligations and their assets are out in the open”. But another element emerges from the cards. From the investigation by the Turin Prosecutor’s Office it also emerges that “John granted Caracciolo’s trusted secretary, Paola Montaldo, ‘off the books’ wages equal to one thousand euros per month, in relation to the work carried out at the “family office” of the Agnelli house /Elkann”, we read in the newspaper.

#Salaries #black #unpaid #taxes #Marrakech #villa #Tempo
2024-09-27 14:17:24



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