The Embassy of Ecuador and UNIR expand their agreement to promote training and…

Wilma Andrade Muñoz, ambassador of Ecuador in Spain, and José María Vázquez García-Peñuela, rector of UNIR, signed an addendum with the new conditions, which includes promoting the training of Ecuadorian residents with 180 new scholarships.

Wilma Andrade Muñoz, ambassador of Ecuador in Spain, and José María Vázquez García-Peñuela, rector of UNIR.

The International University of La Rioja (UNIR) and the Embassy of Ecuador in Spain They expanded the collaboration agreement by which Ecuadorians residing in Spain will be able to take online training and employment programs taught by the educational institution.

The renewed agreement includes up to 180 new scholarships to promote talent and higher education in professionals and young people of the Ecuadorian community, distributed in four programs: SUPERCAREGIVERS (60); Employment Incubators (50); Entrepreneurship Incubators (50); and Excellence UNIR-Embassy of Ecuador (20).

The new conditions were reflected in a addendum signed this Thursday at the headquarters of PROEDUCA, an educational group to which UNIR belongs, and which modifies the agreement in force on September 25, 2023.

The signing event was carried out by Wilma Andrade Muñozambassador of Ecuador in Spain, and José María Vázquez García-Peñuelarector of UNIR, who highlighted the value of scholarships and training programs, “which can serve their beneficiaries to face new challenges and goals that entail progress and change within their environments.”

For her part, the ambassador highlighted that UNIR scholarships “open new opportunities for growth, allowing our young people and Ecuadorian professionals to transform their future through online education and continuous training.”

Candidates for aid must meet a series of requirements and complete the registration form in the LandingPage of programs. The objective of the scholarships is to favor those who stand out for their merits and academic level.

Scholarships and programs

The cooperation agreement between the Embassy of Ecuador in Spain and UNIR has as its central point the launch of 180 scholarships. These apply to four training programs: SUPERCAREGIVERS, Employment Incubators, Entrepreneurship Incubators and the UNIR-Embassy of Ecuador Excellence Program.

Wilma Andrade Munoz and Jose Mara Vazquez Garcia-Pennuela at the signing ceremony. Wilma Andrade Munoz and Jose Mara Vazquez Garcia-Pennuela at the signing ceremony.

Those benefiting from the 60 100% scholarships of the program SUPER CAREGIVERS They will be able to receive virtual classes and masterclasses specialized in improving the home care service for elderly or dependent people. This program offers the possibility of accessing a growing employment nichesince 15% of new jobs in the coming years will be related to the care of the elderly or dependent people.

Both Employment Incubators as Entrepreneurship Incubators offer 50 100% scholarships about the tuition fee. The enhancement of skills to find employment in the labor market, as well as the keys to making a business idea a reality, are the essential lines on which these two programs are based, which also includes the guidance of an expert entrepreneurship coach. . Those interested can register until October 10.

Finally, twenty Ecuadorian residents in Spain will receive the UNIR-Embassy of Ecuador Excellence scholarships of 50%. Thus, they will be able to study online Higher Education degrees recognized by SENESCYT that cover the areas of knowledge taught by the faculties of Law, Education, Health, Engineering and Technology, Business, and Social Sciences and Humanities of UNIR.

Continued commitment

UNIR, in collaboration with the Embassy of Ecuador in Spain, has wanted to strengthen its commitment to social responsibilityby offering the Ecuadorian community four complete training programs to promote training and employment among its beneficiaries.

The agreement between the Embassy of Ecuador and UNIR has been in force since September 2023. The agreement between the Embassy of Ecuador and UNIR has been in force since September 2023.

The agreement between UNIR and the Embassy of Ecuador has already borne fruit previously by offering 300 free places NOOC coursesdedicated to improving employability, in October 2023; with the participation of Ecuadorian residents in the Virtual Job Fair which UNIR periodically organizes to connect professionals actively searching for employment, in May 2024; and with 60 SUPERCAREGIVER scholarships 2022 that benefited 45 Ecuadorians residing in Spain.



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