October 2024


Friday the 4th
Time 10:00 and 14:00
Regional Meeting of Liceal Choirs
20 choirs from Colonia, Río Negro, Soriano and San José participate.
Free entry (until capacity of the room is filled)

Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th
From 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
30th edition of Heritage Day 2024
“Wine as tradition: immigration, work and innovation.” Tribute to Francisco Vidiella and Pascual Harriague.
Guided tours

Friday the 11th
Time 20:00
Germán Medina presents his new show “Intenso”
Once again, it invites us to look at ourselves and face our intensities with humor.
How many emotions do we express? How many of us remain silent so as not to look like intense people? In this show, there is room for all those emotions. Because although it is difficult for us to accept it, all people are a little intense.
Tickets: stalls and boxes $700
Casserole and paradise $600
Venta por Tickantel

Saturday 12
Time 20:30
Musical show by the group “Los del Suquía”
Argentine folkloric group that this October 12 celebrates 64 years of history.
Reference of romantic music, which they carried throughout Latin America. Today they arrive with a renewal of their songs, preserving the essence that led them to success.
Alex Reed artists: “Levantando Polvadera”
Tickets: stalls and boxes $700
Casserole and paradise $500
Venta por Tickantel

Domingo 13
Time 21:00
Miguel Del Sel and Chino Volpato present the show “Miguel and Chino en Banda”
The icons of Argentine humor, former members of Midachi, have launched a musical comedy show together with a large cast of artists with the historical seal that has characterized them for more than 40 years.
Tickets: Silver Plate $1,500
Stages $1,300
Casserole $1,100
Paradise $900
Venta por Tickantel

Friday the 18th
Time 20:00
Presentation of the comedy “The King’s Musketeers”
With the participation of Nicolás Cabré, Jorge Suárez, Nicolás Scarpino and Fredy Villarreal.
Four actors try to start the performance. However, a series of incidents prevent them from doing so, either because they forget the texts, they are confused with the entry and exit moments, there are contradictions or comments on the information in the story.
Little by little, they try to put together Dumas’s famous novel, but the complications increase until the moment where they must make a radical decision.
Tickets: stalls and boxes $ 1,470
Casserole $1,270
Paradise $1,070
Venta por Tickantel

Saturday 19
Time 21:00
Malena Muyala musical show
Concert to benefit the Association of Friends of Palliative Care of San José.
General tickets $670
Venta por Tickantel

Domingo 20
Time 14:00
Meeting of Choirs of the ACMI (Association of Choirs of Montevideo and Interior)
Free entry (until capacity of the room is filled)

Wednesday 23
From 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
“Rural Schools Spring Festival”
Theater festival for children from rural schools who learn English with the Ceibal en Inglés program. Each rural school has two plays to perform at the festival: Mulan and Hercules.
Ceibal Plan
Free entry (until capacity of the room is filled)

Friday the 25th
Time 20:30
Cero Drama theater group presents the play “Aniversario”
The Bank of kyiv celebrates its 25th anniversary, but what promised to be a formal celebration turns into a chain of episodes as unusual as they are crazy. Mystery, romance, laughter, deception and all the absurd humor of the theater group.
Directed by: Leonardo Preziosi
Elenco: Gualberto Larrondo, Ana Larrondo, Teresita Alonso, Teresita Sencion, Beatriz Nandin, Marianela Abalo, Mariana Aranda, Marta Peña y Juana Pereyra
Suitable for ages 9 and up
General tickets $350
Venta por Tickantel

Thursday 31
Time 20:00
Lavalleja Departmental Comedy presents “Yerma” by Federico García Lorca
Direction and adaptation: Carlos Gasagoite
Cast: Victoria Arrillaga, Alex González, Camila Pizzarro and Dionisio Delgado Free admission (until the room is full)
Activities in the Theater: everyone over the age of two must present a ticket or invitation.



The installation “All novels are science fiction museums” continues
Projects with AI: 2019-2024 (Membrane, Solaris, All museums are science fiction novels, Electromagnetic fields and Digital twins).
Jorge Carrión (Spain)
It includes the following works by other artists: “An Understanding of Control” by Alicia Kopf, “Mare” by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center Visualization Team and “Cartography of Generative AI” by Taller Estampa.

Permanent exhibitions of Hugo Nantes and Heber Riguetti

conference room
Exhibition of the plastic artist Dante Cola presented by the Diana Arbini Gallery
Maragata Identity Museum

Exhibition schedules
Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Sundays and holidays closed.

conference room
Thursday 24 – Time 8:00 p.m.
Conversation “The birth of the Beatles”
From birth to the recording of his first album
Gastón Malespina

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