María Corina Machado arrived, saw and won in Maturín

The opposition leader of Venezuela María Corina Machado arrived in Maturín, Monagas state, without the fear that, a priori, anyone could generate by stepping on a Chavista territory par excellence and after having traveled by land the half thousand kilometers that separate Caracas from this region of the northeast of the country, a path with obstacles that he overcame. And he came, he saw and he conquered.

Machado will not be able to compete for the Presidency due to an administrative disqualification imposed by the Comptroller’s Office that prevents him from holding elected public positions until 2036, but he supports the campaign of the candidate of the Unitary Democratic Platform (PUD), Edmundo González Urrutia, as if was his own.

Surrounded by thousands of people in one of the largest avenues in Maturín, Machado, who thanked everyone who “has left everything and given everything for this cause,” said that voting for her standard bearer is voting “for freedom.”

He insisted that the process towards the presidential elections next Sunday “goes far beyond an electoral fight”, since it is also – he said – “a spiritual fight.”


The former deputy thanked those who follow and support her for having “risked” everything, “even having their equipment taken away,” to meet in various parts of the country during the pre-campaign and campaign, which began on July 4.

In addition, Machado expressed his gratitude to state workers, such as “the teachers, the teachers, the doctors, the health personnel who in these years of humanitarian tragedy have risked their lives to save the lives of thousands of Venezuelans and who have been present in each of those concentrations«.

«Today I want to especially thank the public employees, those public employees of the State companies, of (the oil company) PDVSA, of (the electric company) Corpoelec (…), of the gas companies.the opponent reiterated amidst cheers from each of the aforementioned sectors, as EFE confirmed.

Likewise, he showed his gratitude to the staff of “the ministries, the governorships, the mayors who, even though they were persecuted, have raised their voices,” and to those who “have not been allowed to be there,” he assured them that “there will be no persecution.” nor “revenge” in “the Government of Edmundo González Urrutia”, whose “victory” he called to consolidate on July 28.

He also thanked the press that has been “the voice of Venezuelans inside and outside the country,” as well as the “leaders of the different political parties” for their support, despite the “differences,” because “democracy is pluralism.” .

Arrests, blockades and exile

During his speech, Machado made special mention of “the detainees (who supported González Urrutia) in Portuguesa, in Vargas, in Guárico, Franco Gerratana, mayor of Ortiz, dismissed” because – he said – “he raised his voice for the Venezuelans.”

He promised that “all these injustices will be reversed” and that there will be a great meeting even with those who are “in exile today” who, he assured, will be “back in a free Venezuela.”

In this sense, he said that mothers who have their children outside the country will have them back in their homes: “On July 28, the return of our children home will be sealed. “As fathers, as mothers, we are going to go out and defend each vote that day.”

He insisted, before national and international media, that, despite the “repression”, the block supporting the candidacy of the opposition coalition will continue its proselytizing work until the 25th, when the official campaign ends, and will continue with the tasks of monitoring of the vote until the process on the 28th ends.

«In these last hours we have seen how repression is intensifying, how they block our roads, how they block our roads, how they detain innocent people, how the regime threatens wars, how they say that there are going to be blackouts. All this is proof that they have already lost,” he said.

The international press has requested to cover the activities of the official campaign, but, despite not receiving a negative response, it did not receive an invitation or call.

#María #Corina #Machado #arrived #won #Maturín
2024-09-27 10:57:16



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