Untraceable food and poor hygiene: fast-food restaurant in the Val d’Enza near Parma fined 2,500 euros –

The Carabinieri of the Anti-adulteration and Health Unit (NAS) of Parma recently conducted a sanitary inspection at an ethnic fast food restaurant located in the Val d’Enza area of ​​Parma. During the control activity, critical issues emerged regarding the management and safety of food as well as compliance with the hygiene standards required by current legislation.

During the inspection, a total of 10 kg of food products were found, including kebab meat and sandwiches, without the information necessary for their traceability. These products, due to their irregularity and given the small quantity, were immediately sent for disposal.

Significant sanitary deficiencies were also detected within the warehouse, including the presence of food residues, grease and old dirt. There were also containers for waste disposal without automatic opening, worsening the situation of hygienic non-compliance.

A further irregularity found concerns the failure to prepare the list of potentially allergenic substances or ingredients, which is mandatory to guarantee the food safety of consumers.

In light of the violations found, financial sanctions for a total amount of 2,500 euros were imposed on the lawyer responsible for the activity. The military also issued a warning for failure to prepare information on allergens, requiring immediate regularisation.



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