The most prominent headlines in Moroccan newspapers published today, Friday, September 27, 2024

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

The following is a list of the most prominent national newspaper headlines issued today, Friday, September 27, 2024:

Countries looking to the future… Morocco is the first in Africa (Message of the Nation)

Morocco ranked 47th in the world in the index of countries most forward-looking for the year 2024, in a report issued by the American media network “US News and World Report,” recording a decline of seven places compared to the rank it occupied in the year. 2023. The report, which included 89 countries around the world, showed that Morocco maintained its exports to the countries of the African continent within this indicator. The index report based its classification on an opinion poll conducted between March 22 and May 23, 2024, which included more than 17,000 people.

Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission at the Palais des Nations in Geneva (Message of the Nation)

The twentieth anniversary of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission was celebrated at the Palace of Nations in Geneva, during a symposium organized on the sidelines of the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. This meeting, which was organized by the National Council for Human Rights, in partnership with the African Center for Studies on Democracy and Human Rights, and with the support of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco in Geneva, included interventions by distinguished guests. In their speeches, the participants unanimously emphasized the unique nature of the Moroccan experience in the field of transitional justice, not only in the region but in the entire world, highlighting the progress that the Kingdom has achieved in the field of human rights since the establishment of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission.

Opportunity…the reality of additional projects (Moroccan events)

The Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Social and Solidarity Economy categorically denied information indicating that the Kingdom’s mediator had intervened to provide funds for additional projects in Tangier. The ministry stated in an explanatory statement that it “categorically denies the misleading and baseless information regarding the Forsa program, especially those related to the intervention of the Kingdom’s mediator to provide funds for additional projects in Tangier.” The same source explained, “The government has fulfilled all its obligations at the national level.” Additional efforts were also made that enabled us to exceed the initial goals. After the specific target was 20,000 beneficiaries, the program succeeded in financing 21,200 project holders during its two versions.”

Food waste…a high cost (Moroccan events)

The “Food Waste Index” report issued by the United Nations Environment Program revealed that Morocco wastes about 113 kilograms of food per person annually, bringing the total waste at the household level to 4.2 million tons annually. The organization’s report revealed that food waste in Morocco, as is the case in the rest of the world, leads to serious environmental impacts, as food waste is considered one of the main factors in climate change, as it contributes significantly to the emission of greenhouse gases.

Collecting water and electricity bills in October (Moroccan events)

The process of collecting bills from the National Water and Electricity Office for the water sector has temporarily stopped since Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at midnight. This suspension comes within the framework of the transition to the new system of multi-service regional companies in the cities of New Casablanca, Sidi Bennour, Berrechid, and Settat Ben Slimane. It is expected that the service will resume, according to the new system for multi-service regional companies, on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

Laila Benali.. Morocco is able to lead the global scene in green hydrogen (News)

Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leila Benali, confirmed that Morocco, which has exceptional potential in the field of renewable energies, can become a major player in the field of green hydrogen at the global level. Ms. Benali explained, in a video intervention during a symposium organized by the British Chamber of Commerce under the slogan “Green Hydrogen: Challenges and Prospects for Morocco,” that “Morocco can play a leadership role in this sector, and even be one of the most competitive players at the global level.” .

26 million dirhams to build a shelter for stray cats and dogs in Agadir (News)

The building of the shelter for stray dogs and stray cats in the city of Agadir is nearing the end of its work, after many months of construction, in order to gather these animals in one place and protect the residents and visitors of the city from them. According to the latest data, the construction of a shelter for stray dogs and cats in the city of Agadir has witnessed remarkable progress, as it is being built on an area of ​​3,941 square meters, with a capacity to accommodate about 1,000 stray dogs and 200 stray cats. This project comes within the framework of efforts to confront the phenomenon of stray animals, which pose a threat to public health and the safety of citizens.

The government launches a program to rehabilitate areas affected by floods in the south-east with approximately 2.5 billion dirhams (Moroccan Sahara)

In implementation of the High Royal Instructions, the government launched a program to rehabilitate the areas affected by floods in the southeast of the Kingdom as a result of the exceptional heavy rainfall, which caused human and material damage, in the provinces of Errachidia, Midelt, Ouarzazate, Tinghir, Zagora, Figig, Jerada, Taroudant, Tata, Tiznit, Guelmim, and Assa Al-Zag, with a total expected budget allocated to download this program amounting to approximately 2.5 billion dirhams. A statement from the Presidency of the Government stated that, in implementation of the high directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God grant him victory and support, the government has mobilized all human and logistical means in order to provide an effective and rapid response to the affected population, and has mobilized the various government sectors concerned to ensure the proper implementation of this ambitious program.

The First National Teacher Forum highlights the role of the teacher in the transformation of public schools (Moroccan Sahara)

The Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, Chakib Benmoussa, confirmed that the Ministry’s strategic references emphasize the pivotal and decisive role of male and female teachers in achieving the goals of deep and comprehensive reform of the Moroccan school. During the opening of the first edition of the National Teacher Forum, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, under the slogan “The teacher is the engine of the development of education,” Mr. Benmoussa highlighted that the Ministry has adopted the road map 2022-2026 “for a quality public school for all.” Determining the priorities of educational reform, based on its basic references represented by the Royal Directives, the provisions of the law related to the system of education, training and scientific research, and the recommendations of the new development model, in addition to the objectives of the government program.

Denmark considers the autonomy plan presented by Morocco in 2007 to be a serious and reliable contribution and a good basis for a compatible solution (Socialist Union)

Denmark affirmed that it considers “the autonomy plan presented by Morocco in 2007 to be a serious and reliable contribution to the ongoing international path and a good basis for an agreed-upon solution among all parties.” A joint statement, adopted following talks held in New York by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad, Nasser Bourita, with his Danish counterpart, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, stated that “the autonomy plan presented by Morocco “In 2007, it is a serious and reliable contribution to the ongoing international process and a good basis for an agreed-upon solution among all parties.”

European Bank: Moroccan economic growth will not exceed 2.9 percent in 2024 (Socialist Union)

Just a day after the Central Bank’s report confirmed that the country’s growth rate this year will not exceed 2.8 percent, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) issued a report that goes in the same direction, also expecting that the growth rate of the Moroccan economy will not exceed 2.9 percent in… 2024, driven by the manufacturing and tourism sectors. This is a rate far from the 3.7 percent that the government expected in the Finance Law for the current year, and it is also far from the expectations of Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch, who expected, in his framing memorandum for preparing the Finance Law 2025, that growth this year would reach 3.3 percent.

Parliamentarians criticize the skyrocketing olive oil prices (evening)

The effects of the skyrocketing olive oil prices as a result of the shortage of this substance were criticized by a number of parliamentary representatives, who called on the government to take concrete measures to overcome this crisis as soon as possible. In this regard, Adel Al-Dafouf, a member of the Authenticity and Modernity Team in the House of Representatives, pointed out that the prices of olive oil in our country have witnessed a significant rise during the recent period as a result of a combination of many factors, most notably the decline in production, calling on the government to take measures to ensure the availability of olive oil in Moroccan markets at reasonable prices.

The Ministry of Health is preparing to launch a telemedicine project (evening)

Data obtained by “Al-Massa” from identical sources revealed that the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, within the framework of digitizing the health system, has begun expanding health services in a way that targets the largest number of beneficiaries at the national level in various regions of the urban and rural world, by launching a project related to medical treatment. remote. The same sources said that the telemedicine project will reduce cases of overcrowding in hospital institutions, and will also reduce the problem of patients’ movement there, by presenting their health cases, if necessary, directly by the health staff in the various health centers to the specialists in the hospital centers. Using the digital system, which has become generalized to all health institutions, both urban and rural, according to the sources.

Bourita highlights the efforts of the kings of Morocco for coexistence (statement of the day)

In New York, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, highlighted the efforts made by the kings of Morocco to achieve coexistence, reject hatred and reject others. Mr. Bourita said, during a high-level event held on Monday by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and has always done so, has been defending the heritage of his ancestors, based on firm conviction and certainty, in order to advance coexistence. And preserving the multiple tributaries of Moroccan identity.

Banks end the dominance of the cash center (Al-Sabah)

The banking groups decided to end the dominance that the Cash Center had benefited from regarding electronic performance and the electronic payment device (TPE), as merchants had to pass through the center to obtain the device, which enabled it to strengthen its position in the market and impose its tariffs. The banks’ decision comes after the complaint submitted by NAPS, a subsidiary of M2M, which specializes in electronic performance operations, to the Competition Council, more than a year and four months ago, in which it accuses the Center of adopting practices that violate the rules of competition, taking advantage of the situation. Dominance, which benefits within the electronic performance market.

Medical College Student Protests: Searching for a Compromise to End the Outstanding Battle (Le Opinion)

The push and pull between medical college students and the government has been going on for more than ten months. Unlike the pharmacy students, who reached an agreement with the authorities, the white vests are committed to the boycott. They expressed their anger during a demonstration the day before yesterday, Wednesday, in Rabat. In such a tense climate, it is difficult to see the end of the tunnel. Despite the benevolent mediation of the Kingdom’s mediator, misunderstandings still exist. Students remain committed to a number of points, especially reducing the number of years of study, which they categorically reject. Meanwhile, the Minister of Higher Education, who appears surprisingly calm, says he is “open to dialogue, but we must act quickly before it is too late.”

“Forsa” program: The focus of the dispute (Lizansberation Echo)

The “Forsa” program, which was launched by the government to support entrepreneurship and job creation, has once again created controversy. A few months ago, some entrepreneurs claimed that they had not received promised financing on time, which would have put them in debt. Today, others have returned to this debate again, denouncing the administrative obstacles. It has reached the point where these project owners have resorted to the Kingdom’s intermediary to increase pressure and demand fulfillment of obligations to finance their projects.

Pharmacy students: The Ministry sets the conditions and dates for resuming studies (Le Matin)

At a time when medical students are demonstrating in Rabat and Casablanca, the Ministry of Higher Education announced yesterday, Thursday, that the faculties of medicine and pharmacy will take the necessary measures to resume studies normally, noting that the press release issued by the ministry is directed to pharmacy students, but it does not distinguish between the faculties. . No details were provided regarding the medical college students who rejected the mediation of the Kingdom’s mediator.

Electronic payment: redistribution of cards (Le Economist)

The Competition Council is preparing to issue its final decision on the dispute between Naps and the Monetary Center regarding anti-competitive practices. The center will no longer be able to sign direct contracts with merchants. This activity will be delegated exclusively to payment institutions, whether independent institutions or bank subsidiaries. This decision is accompanied by setting a maximum limit on interchange fees at 0.65 percent. However, the question remains: Will Naps seek compensation for the damages it has suffered?

Mr. Bourita calls for renewed multilateral action to find effective solutions to current challenges (statement)

Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Nasser Bourita, in New York, called for renewing the wheels of multilateral action in order to find effective solutions to the challenges facing the world. During a meeting of foreign ministers of the Group of 20, held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Mr. Bourita highlighted that “at a time when conflicts and geopolitical tensions are increasing, it has become more necessary than ever to renew our collective work in order to find effective solutions that are consistent with our ambition to… Yes, a better, peaceful world.”

Taounate…a huge turnout of small cannabis farmers who benefited from the royal pardon in the campaign to renew the national electronic identification card (Liberation)

The campaign to renew the national electronic identification card, launched by the General Directorate of National Security in order to facilitate the access of residents of remote areas to this service, witnessed a great turnout on Wednesday. In the Wadakka district, located about 40 kilometers north of Taounate, dozens of citizens flocked to the centers set up by the General Directorate of National Security to renew their national electronic identification cards. This strong mobilization is due, in particular, to the massive presence of small Indian cannabis farmers who benefited from the royal pardon on the occasion of the anniversary of the King and the People’s Revolution.

#prominent #headlines #Moroccan #newspapers #published #today #Friday #September
2024-09-27 09:22:17



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