BCP issued a resolution that simplifies account opening for MSMEs

Asunción, IP Agency.- The Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP) issued the resolution approving the regulation of the “MSME Basic Account”. It establishes simplified requirements for opening accounts in national currency for micro, small and medium-sized businesses.

With this regulation, the BCP seeks to promote the financial inclusion of certain sectors of the population, for which it is important to provide financial entities with mechanisms that allow them to promote the offer of products that facilitate the access of these sectors to financial services.

In this sense, the “MSME Basic Account” is aimed at contributing to the access to financial services of micro, small and medium-sized companies, in line with public promotion and formalization policies for the competitiveness and development of these companies.

Among the main characteristics of the MSME Basic Account is that it does not require a minimum opening amount, nor a minimum average maintenance balance, it allows operations or transactions without costs, among others, and the monthly operational limit of 20 minimum salaries (greater than the limit of one basic savings account).

The requirements for opening a basic MSME account are: having a valid MSME ID, not having other conventional deposit accounts in the system (savings or checking account), although basic personal savings accounts are excepted, which They will be limited to a maximum of 2 (two) accounts in the system.

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2024-09-27 09:07:16



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